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"Tae! What do you think about this?" Jimin asked as pulled a graphic sweatshirt from the clothing, feeling the soft fabric of the pink jumper.

"Um... can we not get something in pink?" Taehyung muttered as he cautious watched his surroundings, paying more attention to that rather than his boyfriend which Jimin did find upsetting but chose to say nothing.

"They have blue, the blue one is prettier anyway." Jimin muttered, picking it off the rack of clothes and held it by the hanger over his torso as he looked down over himself to see what he looked like.

"Can we get something black or grey? I like dark tones." Taehyung muttered, pulling the hood of his jacket over his head and pulled it down as low as he could to the point Jimin couldn't see his face and that made him even sadder.

"Tae... are you embarrassed by me? Are you worried about getting caught outside of school with me?" Jimin asked as he hung the jumper back up onto its destined rack. He was so happy thinking he and Taehyung were finally going to start doing a couple of things such as the occasional date, matching outfits, staying over at each other's houses. Maybe Jimin was just too hopeful. "I'm a bit tired from the bus ride, let's just go home."

"Jimin! Come'on, you know I'm not embarrassed by you! It would just be difficult to explain what we're doing if someone from school sees us." Taehyung whispered, trying to prevent any scene from breaking out as he looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching them.

"I understand it's difficult for you right now because you're not out like me and I respect that but I want to express our love just a tiny bit." Jimin replied in a hushed tone, startled when he felt a large hand pat him on his head and pet his hair.

"I like you a lot, Jimin. I want to express it too. You pick out whatever you want and I'll cherish it with my entire heart and soul combined and tripled." Taehyung reassured. Although Tae was so insistent, Jimin found it hard to believe him. That did stop him from picking two of the same blue jumper that Jimin had previously picked out, one in his size and the other in Taehyung's.

"Okay, I want these then!" Jimin exclaimed, passing the slightly larger one to Taehyung as he held the one he picked for himself and held it against his chest, already picturing the two wearing these matching jumpers as they snuggled together so tight that there was no air between them to be sparred. "You can come back to my place and try it on, if you want to?"

"That sounds great. I need to go to the bathroom really bad though, can you go buy it? I'll be right back." Taehyung smiled at Jimin and gave him a loving pat on the head and returning the piece of clothing that he picked out before leaving to the closest public bathrooms in the shopping centre, leaving Jimin to smile like a fool to himself as he looked down at the two jumpers draped over his bent arm.

Jimin found where the line ended and stood directly behind four people in the line that waited on one singular person working behind the tills as everyone wished for the poor worker to rush through their job. Even Jimin was guilty of wishing the exact same thing if it meant he'd get to be at home with Taehyung quicker.

/ / / / / / /

"I'm home, Jihyun! You didn't head out with your friends before saying goodbye to me did you?" Jimin called out as he took off his shoes at the front entrance of his house with Taehyung following in behind him and doing the same.

"Hyung! I'm heading out now! We're going to go take the last bus for the night." Jihyun yelled as he ran to the front entrance, sprinting towards his older brother but immediately slowed down when he saw Taehyung standing quite tense behind Jimin.

Jihyun's usually bright and cheery grin that is similar to his brother changed into a quite devious smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows at the pair. "You two have fun! I'm going to be gone until Monday so you two enjoy it. You can be as loud as you want!"

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