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Taehyung kept quiet as he childishly drew penises on a random blank page in his maths copy which he was planning on never using for work in the future ever. The whole class kept quiet which was rather unusual. When did it get this quiet?

Normally he would cause a ruckus once it got too boring for him, just like now, however, he couldn't even find any strength in him to be sent to the office for miss behaviour. What was such a drastic change to cause him to feel this way? He doesn't understand.

"Does anyone know where Park Jimin is? He rarely ever misses school and now he's gone for the entire week." The teacher called out but was given nothing but blank stares. Some of the class didn't even know who she was talking about.

"That bastard..." Taehyung talked to himself internally, refusing to say actual words to seem as if he was sane. He didn't even understand why he has infected him so much and why he acted so irrationally.

Sure, it was only a game, although part of him felt betrayed by Jimin's act. The person he was secretly talking to turned out to be the same one he'd greet at school daily. Another life he didn't know about. Was it stupid that that was probably the thing that affected him the most? Like Jimin was lying to him. That's what Taehyung saw it as and he didn't like it.

He did miss seeing his pretty little face early in the morning, he would always be the first and only one in class on cold winter days, how seeing him wear his pink headset and mouthing the words to a song blasting into his ears from his phone warmed him up so.

He looked so cute in his cheerleader uniform, he'd wish that his pants would get ruined and he'd be forced into skirts on many occasion which worried him.

How feverish and sweet the boy gets when he drinks and manages to never become intoxicated like it was a party truck that he has been training for years for.

His personality. Overall it was practically flawless. It was something Taehyung had to get used to at first but now that he is gone, he earns for it again like a drug.

The class bell erupted, in only seconds did the class flee into the hallways and scurried in waves before flooding into their new classroom for the following forty minutes before starting the process over and over again like the programmed robots that they are. Not Taehyung though. No, never Taehyung.

Instead, the rebellious nature that Taehyung naturally has freely lead him to walk further down the hallway until he found a bathroom for him to use for the next whole class. It was only maths, after all, it didn't even bother him since he was once again failing which was honestly no surprise to him and expected it after everything that happened.

Taehyung pushed open the bathroom door and investigated the stall in case someone were to catch him but gratefully came to the conclusion that no one was there and he had the whole bathroom to himself.

"Great," he sighed to himself as he hid in one of the stalls but kept the door open, too lazy to even care. Taehyung groaned as he took out his phone and went straight to Twitter, the first thing popping up on his feed had to be from a porn account he followed.

He lazily jacked himself off as he scrolled down through his feed, letting his cum drip onto the bathroom's floor when he finally came. Tae stuffed himself back into his trousers, not bothering to wash his hands or clean up his mess on the ground.

"Ah... that was nice." He muttered to himself, whipping his hand down his clothed leg, sighing in relief as he continued to scroll through his news feed once again as if nothing has happened.

He quickly closed and locked his stall door when he heard someone open the bathroom door. Taehyung silently cursed. He was certain that he locked the door so how did someone get in? Although it wouldn't be surprising if it was broken considering how low maintenance the school is.

"I miss seeing Jimin in math's class. He was good eye candy in class. Especially after his butt got more defined from working out." A male's voice spoke as the owner of it walked into the bathroom, followed by another pair of feet following after before the door closed once again.

"You've been staring at his butt since the rumour that he was gay went around. It's your fault you didn't do anything about it." A new voice spoke. Taehyung sneakily put his ear up to the wooden door to try and listen in on their conversation. Trying to match the voices with the faces.

"Yeah, I'm dumb. I know. I guess I just grew to like how things were but I miss it now. I swear to god- whoever caused him to leave school is going to get beaten into the dirt the same way Jungkook did to Jung Hoseok." The first male cursed. The tap suddenly getting turned on as water poured and all Taehyung guessed was that the guy was washing his hands or maybe even face.

Taehyung kept quiet until he was certain that the two guys left to head back to their classes hesitantly before slowly emerging from the locked stall. Relieved knowing he was finally by himself.

Instead of sighing or maybe even showing a little bit of empathy for the guy, all he did was smirk.

"Never took Siwon to be the type to like guys. What he said in the locker room makes sense now."

/ / / / / / /

Taehyung wandered up the hill that seemed larger than what he had originally remembered, finding his way through the housing estate. He hasn't been here in a while, to be honest, it was kind of a mystery as to why he was here again but he chose not to answer it.

Taehyung laid his eyes on the house in front of him. It was as dull as he remembered. "I can't believe I'm actually here..." He muttered to himself as he opened the house's front gate walking up and knocking on the front door. "Jimin better answer quickly."

Although to his disappointment no one answered which lead him to knock again but this time, a lot more angrier. "Jimin! Open up! Look I'm somewhat sorry. Just open the door, you fucking nerd!"

He cursed as he knocked one last time before finally giving up as he looked at the beaten door. "He... he actually moved."

He didn't actually believe it but now he does. He wished it wasn't true.

I'm sorry, late chapter TT I had a lot of projects this week so I couldn't work that much on writing, but the chapter on words will be really SPICY!

I hope that will keep you looking forward to it!

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