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The match ended brutally for the opposite team. Not only did they not score a single point throughout the entire game, they forfeited, giving Taehyung and the guys an earlier than expected win

The after-party wasn't anything spectacular, Lisa which Jimin had now learnt is the head cheerleader- booked out a private room for the two teams and they ordered a large buffet for everyone to dig into. Although Jimin feeling a little self-conscious about his appearance stuck to eating a small portion of kimchi and left it at that.

He was having fun with Jungkook however and would now and again give the occasional glance Taehyung's way to just simply admire him. Although that came to an abrupt end when he noticed Tae pulling Lalisa to the side to talk to her in private.

"Oppa! W-what did you want to talk about?" Lisa asked, slightly nervous about being alone with the latter considering it was only the second time that this has ever happened.

"I thought I told you to let Jimin lead today? Where were his paws that you promised me in return to hand you Jungkook's number?" He questioned, biting the inside of his cheek as a coping mechanism to not lash out at the poor girl.

"I-I did-"

"Then why was he off centre most of the time and his hands were naked? Why did Jennie have them instead?" Taehyung asked again, Lisa just didn't have an answer. "Give me your phone, if you can't keep a promise then I shouldn't keep mine."

"Wait! L-let's not get crazy here-"

"Jimin leads for the rest of the matches, he has all of the cat accessories and you ow me a solid or else." He threatened, leaving the girl biting on her bottom lip with anxiety as she wondered what could be the outcome if she didn't follow through.

Taehyung headed back to the table with a proud grin on his face, taking his rightful seat opposite to Jimin. Jimin stuck out like a sore thumb, being the only one not eating.

While no one was paying him any attention, he slipped a piece of grilled pork onto the older's plate, winking at him before going back to eat his well-deserved dinner.

Jimin blushed at the small telling of affection. Picking at the meat slowly, trying to avoid the fat, thinking it won't affect him as much if he did weight-wise. He only ate it because of who gave it to him.

At the beginning of the year, Jimin was a bit more chubby compared to everyone else which didn't help his bullying and low self-esteem. Although now he was beautifully slim in most eyes but Jimin was blinded to the fact, wanting to be idolized even if it meant hurting himself just a tad bit.

Taehyung, however, likes a curvy body which Jimin managed to get, now he wants to help him maintain it instead of going overboard on diets to the point it becomes unhealthy.

"You're beautiful. Don't change." Taehyung mounted but he was clueless if Jimin knew what he was trying to say. He really hoped that he did.

Now and again Taehyung would push random pieces of food onto his plate. A dumpling out of the blue, a spoonful of kimchi, a piece of barbecued beef which was neatly wrapped in a piece of the lettuce leaf.

Jimin was startled by the innocent behaviour but followed his lead and ate the few pieces he was given. Even though he acted cold towards people, Jimin felt slightly loved. He cared about him eating well.

"Let's take shots!" A girl on the cheer team exclaimed after receiving a few bottles of alcohol from the restaurant's refrigerator and carried them to the table, sharing the bottles out.

"Hyung! W-wanna take a love shot?!" Jungkook asked Namjoon, trying to fight against his nerves as to not seem too obvious about his vision.

"Yeah! Love shot!" Namjoon grinned, laughing to himself as he watched Jungkook pour them both a drink. They linked arms and took the drink together, people whistling and clapping around them.

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