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Jimin woke up early on Sunday morning with a phone call by dare he say, his best friend. Jimin wasn't sure if it was official but the idea made his heart beat fast.

He accepted the phone call and pressed the screen against his ear, hearing Hoseok's raspy morning voice as he called out "good morning, Jimin." Jimin shuttered and fluttered his eyes shut as he listened to the other's voice which eased and calmed Jimin's heart, making him swoon by the angelic voice of Hoseok's.

"Morning, Hoseok Hyung." Jimin muttered softly, a pink hue to rig his cheeks when he heard the older chuckle from the other end of the phone call.

"I love your voice, Jimin-ah. It's so cute and soft, like you." He added and Jimin turned red and he giggled to Hoseok's statement.

"Hyung, you're making me blush." Jimin laughed playfully, lying himself back down in his bed and grabbing one of his stuff animals and snuggling with it as he kept his phone against his ear.

"Jimin-ah." Hoseok spoke up after both of their laughings died down. "I was wondering if you're not busy, maybe you'd like to come over to my place and hang out for a while? We can watch movies, play games and maybe eat a lot of junk food." He laughed again after finishing his query waiting for a reply. "What do you say?"

"I'd l-love to!" Jimin stuttered with excitement. He's never been to a friend's house before so he was really looking forward to it.

"Great! I can come to your place to pick you up or I can send you the address?"

"I'll go to your place, Hyung. I'll see you in a while." Jimin hummed. They shared farewells before hanging up.

Jimin freshened up in the shower before going back into his room and looked for something to wear. He found the new jumper he bought at the mall a while ago and decided to wear it with a pair of black ripped jeans.

He grabbed his phone and wrote a small not for his brother that wasn't home at the minute about where he was going and the address so if he doesn't come back home his brother can hopefully track him down. He took his long black coat from its hook in the hallway and threw it on before leaving his home.

He looked the address up on google maps and followed the little arrow to a quite large, white home in a seemingly lovely neighbourhood with beautiful songbirds and luscious green grass. He looked at the address to make sure he was right before knocking on the door. He waited for it to open and stood still when it finally did, but instead of Hoseok, it was a middle-aged woman with short black hair in a bob and in a lovely black dress with pearls.

"Why hello there, you must be Hoseok's little friend. He'll be down in a while, come in." The kind woman gestured for the young black haired boy to come inside. Jimin nodded and stepped inside the woman's home, taking off his shoes and leaving them aside.

"Here darling, let me take your coat." She grinned and Jimin obliged, handing the lady his coat, his tight red jumper on display.

"Hoseok dear, your friend is down here." She called out to her son and not long later he came rushing down in a hoodie and a pair of sweat pants. "Now dear, you two can order takeaway, there is money on the counter for you while I and your father are out. Take care of the house while we're gone and don't stay up too late." Hoseok's mother told him the rules and Hoseok nodded.

"Mom, it's barely even half two already. You shouldn't be stressing out about when we are going to bed." Hoseok laughed sweetly and handed his mom her coat. "You don't have to worry, just make sure to have fun with dad."

"Thank you, Hoseok." Your father is out in the car so I'll just be off now. Goodbye Hoseok and Jimin." She waved and left the house, trying to run in her high heels to the car that her husband has been waiting in for a while now.

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