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"Do you know when the games over?" Jimin asked nicely, looking around the pitch as if he was standing on the sidelines like he wasn't involved with it at all.

"Ten minutes, we're one goal ahead of you so basically the match is over." The guy sighed in relief. He was annoyed that he wasn't involved with the final game as much as he had wanted to but in the end, they were going to win and that's all that mattered.

Jimin however wasn't happy. He needed to know what Taehyung wanted to talk about. Winning the game was the only way for him to talk to Taehyung. All that they had to do was get two goals in the next ten minutes.

"It was nice talking to you for what felt like hours." Jimin bowed his head before running towards the ball. He could see Jackson running with the ball at his feet. Although he can see two guys coming at him from opposite ways.

"Naruto run!" Jimin screamed before dashing in front of Jackson's path, completely blocking the opposite team from going near Jackson, allowing him to run around Jimin and pass the ball to Taehyung, letting Taehyung score the ball with ease.

Although poor Jimin was tackled to the ground when he cut the latter team, the opposing member was startled when Jimin appeared out of nowhere in front of him, leaving Jimin on the ground with his skin slowly bruising like a peach where he was accidentally kicked in the leg. "Fuck, I hate sports!"

"Dude, you okay?"

"What did I ever do to you that you had to kick me?!" Jimin cried, slightly overdramatic since he had been beaten and battered to a pulp in the past which this was nothing in comparison to.

"Jimin! Are you hurt badly? You don't need to play, seriously we don't want you getting hurt like this." Jungkook yelled running over to Jimin, checking his leg and was relieved when he saw it wasn't swollen or badly hurt in any way.

"K-Kookie, did we get a goal?" Jimin murmured, he wanted the game to end so badly. He doesn't understand why people like sports so much, especially when you get hurt so much.

"Um, yeah, Taehyung scored. We're tied now." Jungkook replied, taking a quick gaze up at the digital scoreboard. Although there wasn't a lot of time left.

"Great." Jimin sighed in relief, pushing himself up off of the ground with all of his strength although he felt like he was about to collapse the moment he was on his feet.

"When will this end- eep!" Jimin shut himself up when he came face to face with the referee and all he could do was awkwardly grin at him, hoping he didn't hear him.

"Are you alright, kid?" The referee asked, chewing on a steel whistle that was held between his teeth which Jimin could only reply with a nod because of how frightened he was.

"U-Uh... yes." Jimin nodded and bowed his head in apology since he felt like he was now holding up the game and prevented his team from proceeding any further.

"Great." The referee smiled before forcefully blew into the whistle, nearly completely deafening poor Jimin beside him. "Foul on the white team! Free penalty kick for the blue team!" The coach yelled as he blew on the whistle another two times.

He passed the ball to Jimin and headed off the bitch, leaving Jimin in a state of confusion. He looked around and saw both teams lined up away from him. Jimin never felt more threatened in his entire life. "I-I kick? W-where do I kick?!" Jimin asked in a panic. How close was he supposed to get to the goal? He didn't know what to do.

"Put the ball at the beginning of the dark coloured turf and kick it from the white line." Jungkook yelled, making the other guys laugh because they didn't actually believe that Jimin didn't know what he was doing. They did not know Jimin, as well as Jungkook, did though.

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