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"Jimin-Ah! I bought you a popsicle!" Taehyung exclaimed loudly as he left through the mechanical doors, proudly presenting the iced treat in front of Jimin, humming a heroes anthem as Jimin took it, grinning while he tore the plastic wrapping off.

"Thanks, Tae." Jimin thanked, wrapping his mouth around the iced treat and licked the sweet syrup that slowly dripped down from it, humming in delight. "Blue, my favourite flavour!" Jimin's voice was muffled by the ice lolly but it was enough for Taehyung to know what he was saying.

"My favourite flavour is purple so I know what you mean." He laughed as he stood on the side of the road and fell back onto the footpath, sitting right next to his boyfriend. Taking a large bite out of his ice pop and hissing at how cold the ice was. "Ah, it's cold."

"This is making my hands sticky." Jimin groaned, eating the whole iced treat down, feeling how sticky his hand was after it was covered in blue syrup that was starting to dry upon his skin. "Do you have any wipes?"

"No, but I can lick it for you if you want." Taehyung joked, although he wasn't completely opposed to the idea.

"Gross!" Jimin laughed, slipping his backpack off of his shoulder and searching through the front pocket. "I think I have hand sanitiser."

"What? So you don't want your hands covered in my saliva? Ungrateful." Taehyung sighed, throwing the wooden stick into a public bin before dusting his hands on his school slacks. "Wanna head to my house now? I'm sure my mom would love to meet my boyfriend."

"I'm nervous just thinking about it." Jimin groaned as he pushed himself off of the dirty pavement, frowning as he slung his bag back over his shoulder and was pulled by the wrist in the direction of where Taehyung lived. Already the worst thoughts possible invaded his head.

"It's going to be fine. The worst thing that can happen is that I get kicked out, I'm a disgrace to my family and then I can move in with you and your brother. Not gonna lie, doesn't sound that bad." Taehyung shrugged and while he was partly joking, the thought made Jimin feel completely nauseous and sick to his stomach. He doesn't want to be the reason that Tae's life falls apart.

After a few more jokes about how horribly south things can turn on the situation he finally stopped once he took a double-take on glancing over at Jimin. His healthy sun-kissed glow faded into a look that was as pale as paper, a sickly colour that did not seem safe in Taehyung's eyes.

"Jimin? Are you alright? You look pale? Should we stop by a pharmacy on the way?" Taehyung asked, but Jimin stayed quiet. Tae took one quick look at where they were and shrugged. "Well, my house is literally around the corner. I don't really know what type of medicine would be good for you but we have lots at home so I'll just ask my mom. She's a pharmacist."

"Tae, do you actually think your mom would be opposed to us? I don't want to make things difficult for you." Jimin murmured, bringing his hand up to his mouth to bite on his skin as his mind continued to wander through a forest of deep thoughts where none of them was pleasant.

"Hey, if you keep biting on your like that you'll end up hurting yourself." Taehyung poured, pulling Jimin's hand away from his mouth before pulling him closer to his side. "Sorry about the jokes, I didn't think they'd make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's just that I like you and now that we're going somewhere I don't want it to go downhill," Jimin informed quietly, propping his head up on Taehyung's shoulder as they continued to walk and turn around the corner of the street.

"Jimin, you and I came so far. Do you honestly think I'd let us end so easily? You're the first boy I've ever liked. I'll handle any problems and we can do it together so don't be scared. We got this." Taehyung cooed, moving his hand down Jimin's wrist to his opened hand, entwining his fingers with the older. "Hey, Jimin?"

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