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A few days have passed until it was finally Friday. Turns out the school supported the trip and rented a few rooms of a hotel in Busan for the team. The school planned on some bonding exercises like hiking. Or that's what Jimin was told by Hoseok.

Hoseok stood beside the bus, throwing his bag inside the luggage booth. He turned his head and saw Jimin standing in the cold, shivering.

The team was told ahead of time that the weather was gonna be cold, in fact, the temperatures dropped to three degrees. Poor Jimin wasn't told about the sudden temperature drop. He stood trembling in the freezing weather, face paler than usual, cheeks and nose red.

Jimin sniffled as he watched the other guys from the team. He found out that they weren't as terrible as he thought. Some of them were quite stuck up but they were decent. Hoseok was apart of the team as well so Jimin thought he should be a good boyfriend and see him off.

He gripped a paper brown bag in his fists. He made some treats for the team for the trip since it was gonna be a few hours-long to Jimin's home town and they were only gonna stop off at gas stations for bathroom breaks. Jimin also really wanted to make the team like him, so he made them all treats this morning. He woke up at four and spent hours making food, then on the way to school he stopped off at a convenience store and bought everyone's favourite packets of crisps and drinks. He wanted to make a good impression.

"Hey, Chimmy, you really didn't have to come out to say goodbye to us. You're freezing." Hoseok pouted as he got closer to the younger, he frowned as he saw the younger's lips tinting blue.

"I-I wanted to see you all go off. A-Also say goodbye to K-Kookie." Jimin spoke, teeth slightly chattering as he spoke to the older, forcing a smile on his face.

Hoseok smiles at his boyfriend and unwraps a red pleated scarf that was stuffed inside his coat and instead wrapped it around Jimin's neck, kissing his flushed cheek softly. "I don't want to see my little Chimmy sick when I come back."

"Y-you'll be cold in B-Busan. T-the weather is even w-worse there-" Jimin was cut off by a pair of lips against his. He slowly sinks into the kiss and allows Hoseok to continue kissing him.

Hoseok pulls away and he smiles at the younger. The black-haired boy's cheeks flushed cheeks turned brighter and frown when the heat of the red head's lips. "Be good for me while I'm gone. I'll text you every morning and night, so expect lots of texts and calls from me."

"I will look forward to them. I-I made you and the other guys some food for the trip." Jimin muttered as he handed the brown bag. "I-I hope you all like them."

"I have the best boyfriend in the entire world, oh my lord. How am I so lucky?" Hoseok awed as he gratefully took the bag and wrapped his arms around the younger. "I'm gonna miss you!"

"Come'on Hoseok, it's my turn with Chimmy. Move!" Jungkook exclaimed as he pushes Hoseok away from Jimin and wraps his arms around the younger boy. "I can't believe C.O.G won't be having another meeting till I come back. I was hoping to spill more tea... but don't worry, I'll get plenty of it." Jungkook smirked at the older and Jimin nodded happily.

"I-I got you banana kicks, your favourite. I'm gonna miss you." Jimin muttered, sticking his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"Not as much as I'll miss my favourite Hyung. Don't tell Hoseok that, he kinda thinks it's him, so does Tae but I don't have to worry about you talking to him." Jungkook joked and ruffled the younger's soft black locks.

"My turn again!" Hoseok exclaimed as he pushed the brunet away from his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend once again. "I'll miss you my little Chimmy."

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