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"I now call the Club of Gays to order!" Taemin yelled, banging a gavel he specifically bought for these sort of occasion. "We shall now accept brother Jeon Jungkook by performing the ritual of welcoming." Taemin called out, lighting two candles and even dimmed the lights down.

Jimin nervously shifted his eyes towards the oldest. "Taemin, neither of us had to go through some ceremony." He muttered, his words coming out like a whisper. The whole environment that Taemin caused was kinda scaring him.

"Well I'm the founder and you are the co-founder of the club of gays. By the way, I'm shortening it to C.O.G. That way it sounds more important. Now, brother Jungkook. We shall now bring you into the society of the C.O.G by sacrificing the holy lemon." Taemin called out, grabbing a Swiss army knife and stabbing a random and very out of place lemon on the carpeted floor, slowly pulling the knife down to cut it in half and picked up the two halves of the holy fruit. "Now, brother Jungkook, consume the acids of the sacred offering."

Jungkook nodded and took the offering from Taemin and bit into the sour fruit, his face scrunching up in disgust.

"Brother Jungkook is now apart of the C.O.G. All cheers. Here, here, here, here!" Taemin called out, clapping his hands in the rhythm of his chanting.

Afterwards, Jimin ran over to the light switch and turned it on so they were no longer in complete darkness as Taemin blew out the candles.

"I like this club, we should so do more rituals in the future!" The oldest clapped and the others just shrugged in reply and nodded. "Everyone back into the triangle! We must now do the clubs activities of tea! Anyone has anything to share?"

Taemin looked around the small group and no one spoke up, all probably too shy so Taemin spoke up once again. "Alright, I'll get the ball rolling. So, I have a crush on Kai and-"

"You like Kai?" Jungkook chirped, turning the side as he looked at the older for a reply.

"Yeah," the older blushed, scratching the back of his head. "We made out at the seniors' party last year- like real hard! I even got to do him up the ass. Ah... what a magical night that was." Taemin hummed softly, looking far and at nothing particular, acting quite dramatic and making it sound like something from a fairy tale.

"Y-you and Kai had s-sex?" Jungkook muttered, eyes growing large like saucers, as if he didn't have the talk about the birds and the bees.

"Oh yeah! It was so beautiful!" Taemin awed again, a soft grin rising upon his cherry red lips.

"H-how was it?"

"How was what?"

"Gay sex?" Jungkook murmured again, awkwardly squirming in where he sat. "Like... was it fun? Did it look like it hurts?"

"Aw, Kookie~! You are so cute!" Taemin awed at the younger, grabbing him and pulling him close to his chest, brushing his brown locks out of his face. "Seriously though, his dick. It's not as amazing as he makes it out to be." Taemin tsked and suddenly the pair got interested, even Jimin.

"H-how big was it?" Jungkook questioned and both waited for the group's Hyung to reply.

"About..." Taemin muttered, showing his hand and making the distance between his index finger and thumb noticed. "This big." He spoke again, the gap between the limbs showing about three inches and the pair hist in distaste.

"Damn... even I'm bigger than that." Jimin whispered to himself.

"Same. God, now when I see him and he talks about how great his dingaling is I'll know the truth." Jungkook laughed as well as Taemin and Jimin smiled along with his words.

"Also, if you wanna know dick size then I can give you digits on the football team." Jungkook grinned and know they both turned to Jungkook.

The pair spoke the word, "spill," in unison.

Jungkook laughed at their neediness of wanting to know and told the information. Majority of them was around four to five inches while Taehyung was six going by the information that the brunet provided.

"Wow, how can a big dick belong to a big dick? I don't get it." Taemin tsked which caused a fit of little laughs to erupt from Jimin which caused both boys to stare at him with a sense of awe at the mesmerizing laughs of the pale young male.

"So, Jimin? How are things with you and Hoseok?" Taemin wiggled his eyebrows, the question coughs Jungkook's attention.

"You like Hoseok-ah?" Jungkook mumbled, eyes widened, having taken in too much information for one day, his brain-frying as he tried to make it function properly.

"I l-like him... but- not in a boyfriend way! He's just really nice to me and he's kinda the first friend I ever had." Jimin spoke, voice fragile like glass as he averted his eyes to the ground he was sitting on.

"He's your first friend?" Taemin asked and Jimin slowly.

"Before Hoseok I kinda had no one."

Jimin felt a hand pat and rub his back and another hand rub his arm. He looked up and saw Taemin rubbing his back and Jungkook caressing his arm. "Don't worry, we're your friends now, so add us to the list." Jungkook winked playfully, grinning his endearing bunny grin which made Jimin fluster.

"Thank you," a small smile appeared on his plump lips. "Y-you said you had a crush on someone. Do you mind if I ask who it is?"

"Well..." Jungkook muttered, cheeks burning a fiery red. "I-it's Namjoon Hyung. I kinda like him.... a lot."

"That's great, Jungkook." Jimin smiled at the younger.

"Yeah, it is!" Taemin agreed, a big plastered on his face.

"Y-Yeah... but, he only sees me as a baby brother. He is so kind to me. I remember when I fell asleep on his shoulder and he didn't wake me up because I seemed tired and so he slept with me. He is also really handsome and- and I just want him to like me the same way as I do towards him." Jungkook began to tear up, a few tears rolling down his cheek as he tried not to cry a river.

"Hey, don't cry." Taemin hushed, pathing the youngest's back to calm the boy down.

"S-sorry... I'm being stupid..." Jungkook muttered, rubbing his eyes with his closed fists to dry the salty tears.

"Don't say that, Kookie." Taemin hushed again, playing with the back of the younger's hair.

"Easy for you," Jungkook sobbed. "You have a chance with Kai- and Jimin can get Hoseok if he wants to-  but I'm trapped in a one-sided relationship with some that only sees me as a brother." The brunet cries out, pulling his knees into his chest and fixing his face in his knees.

Jimin slowly slid over beside the younger and draped an arm around his shoulders. "Jungkook, you know, I think you're a great person. You're cute, manly, beautiful voice and have a great personality. You don't have to get too caught up in one person. You can get anyone you want if you try. You don't have to worry about him seeing you as a brother cause there are lots of guys that could see you as boyfriend material."

"I really like Namjoon Hyung though, I don't think I can really move on- I don't know if I want to move on anyway."

"You don't have to, you just got to be open to it. If you see someone that you could see a possible future with, go for it. Don't wait around or else the opportunity will pass." Jimin informed, resting his head against the younger's and comfortingly caressed his arms.

To think that that Saturday morning turned out to lead to something that changed their lives for good.

Short chapter but I'll post again really soon! I woke up really early to watch the BangBangCon and it was so emotional to take a trip down memory lane again 🥺...

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