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"You know, I had a lot of fun today." Hoseok spoke.

The two boys were now walking home from the shopping centre, Hoseok thought it would be better to walk Jimin home to make sure he got home safely. Jimin nodded at Hoseok's statement and tightened the grasp on his shopping bags. "Same."

"Maybe when neither of us are too busy we can hang out some more? Like we will be going to the same school soon so that means we can see each other then but after school too." The brunet flushed, scratching the back of his neck as they continued to walk.

"This is my stop." Jimin spoke and Hoseok was shocked that they made it to his house so quickly. He looked up and found a cosy little. It had a light beside the front door that lit up the whole front garden.

"O-oh, yeah okay. So do you wanna hang out sometime soon?" Hoseok queered, avoiding eye contact with the younger since he was too scared to hear a reply.

"Y-Yeah, I'd love too." Jimin smiled happily. Hoseok turned red when he saw his plump lips turn into a grin and his eyes turned into crescents.

"Great! Oh, almost forgot I didn't give you my phone number." Hoseok laughed awkwardly, hoping the younger would lend him his phone for a second.

"Oh yeah, here." Jimin muttered sheepishly, turning on his phone and entering the password before giving it to the brunet male.

Hoseok quickly typed his phone number, name and even took a quick but terrible quality photo of himself for his name. He handed it back to the younger with a cheeky grin and Jimin looked down at his phone. "Hobi?"

"It's a nickname. I'll see you later, Jimin. Stay safe!" Hoseok smiled before walking away and Jimin smiled at the terrible quality of the photo.

He walked towards his house, about to open the door but got a fright when his brother swung the door open flying. "I was about to go open the door for you something but I saw you with that cute boy and didn't want to intrude. Now tell me everything!"

/ / / / /

Jimin sat down with his younger brother at the dining table after making him a special dinner with the fresh ingredients he bought at the supermarket and told him the whole story not leaving anything out. He mentioned how he saved his dog's life, how Hoseok called Jimin beautiful in the red jumper he bought, how Hoseok hugged him after giving him the shirt he secretly bought for him, the book he bought for him and how he walked him home which led up to this very moment, not leaving a single detail out.

"What a beautiful story~! He sounds like such a nice guy too! A nice guy that has a crush on my big bro!" Jihyun chimed cheekily, poking Jimin's face that turned red.

"No he doesn't, he is just a nice guy that actually wants to be friends with me." Jimin pouted and his brother just giggled.

"Alright, I want you to bring him to the house sometime though. And you are gonna have someone to hang out with in school! Isn't that great?" Jimin just nodded at his brother that babbled on about how proud he is of his brother and all of that stuff.

"Yo, I'm going up to bed, set the alarm for tomorrow, 'ight?" Jimin asked and ruffled his when he nodded.

"Night, Chim." Jihyun wished, heading for the living room while Jimin headed up the stairs for his bedroom.

Once he stared at his room, eyes squinted as he scanned his room. Someone was in it. He remembered there being two pizza boxes stacked up in the corner of the room which was now missing, a patch on the ground was completely missing the crushed cans that covered it and his shelves seamed neater than usual. Jimin sighed and went to his made bed and came to a final conclusion that his brother was once again in his room and tried to make it less of a pigsty that could possibly be contaminated with pests.

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