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Hoseok woke up earlier before the alarm went off from Jimin's phone and spent the morning playing with Jimin's hair and taking in the beauty that is Park Jimin. "How can someone despise such an eternal beauty as thee, Park Jimin?" Hoseok muttered, placing a kiss on the younger's forehead, wanting to stay with him for an eternity. 'I wish I could kiss you on the lips and call you mine, Jimin.'

A knock sounded from the door. Hoseok popped his head up to see who it was and saw a younger boy that looks very similar to Jimin. "Hey, Hoseok Hyung. I was wondering if you'd want to help me make Jimin breakfast?"

Hoseok nodded and slowly slipped away from Jimin's hold and tucked him into the blankets and left him to sleep peacefully in his bed while Hoseok left with Jihyun to the kitchen to cook breakfast for their favourite little boy in the entire world.

"What are we making him?" Hoseok asked as he saw all the ingredients on the table, latex out neatly in order from different colours and products.

"Making him waffles." Jihyun grinned, the same smile that Jimin had which made Hoseok coo.

"So what do you want me to do?" Hoseok asked as he picked up the flour and looked into it.

"Break the eggs, please." Jihyun chirped as he helped the redhead and soon the two of them were cooling together and neither of them could deny that they were having fun.

"You know," Jihyun spoke up as he watched Hoseok mixed the waffle bathed in the mixing bowl with a whisk, putting all of his strength into it. "I never thanked you for taking. Such care of my brother. He is very naive so he does need someone to look out for him since I can't be with him 24/7 so I'm glad that you help him. Makes me happy that he has a friend like you."

Hobi tried his best to not breakdown into UWU's but it was hard not to when Jihyun was a little fluff ball with that charming grin on his face that could make anyone drop what they are doing and just hug him. "Of course, Jihyun. Jimin, he is very special to me so I want to do my best to care for him."

"Do you have a crush on my brother, Hoseok-ah?" Jihyun questioned and Hoseok stopped in his tracks and dropped the whisk into the bather, cheeks turning rosy as he tries to avoid the other's gaze.

The redhead's mouth went dry as he grew more and more nervous since the younger didn't move his eyes off him and wouldn't until he had an answer. Jihyun has been searching for someone for his older brother for a while and thinks Hoseok would be good for him. "K-kinda-y-yes. Y-yes I do." Hoseok stuttered, "He is just so beautiful and-and perfect. His eyes, they hold the whole universe and his small hands at so soft and delicate. His skin is pale and porcelain smooth! He's the kindest person I have ever met and-and I just want to make him happy."

Hoseok stilled when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. "Thank you, Hoseok-ah. Please make him happy. That's all I ever wanted for him."

"Jihyun? Hyungie?"

Hoseok jumped at the sudden voice from behind and found a tired Jimin in his pyjamas he changed into yesterday evening, rubbing his eyes with a closed fist as a yawn slipped through his swollen lips.

"J-Jimin, how much did you hear?" Hoseok asked, hoping he did not just hear his confession at this moment in time.

"Sorry, Hyung?" Jimin asked, tilting his head as he stared at his Hyung with squinted eyes. "I didn't hear you."

Hoseok felt a tap on his shoulder and turned his head and saw Jihyun tapping his shoulder. "Hoseok-ah, Jiminie Hyung has morning deafness from time to time. He can't hear anyone when he wakes up."

Hoseok stared at his friend again and noticed how confused he was with his nose scrunched up and pouting. "So he has SShl?"

"Well- kinda but it isn't as severe. His hearing comes back rather quickly and it doesn't affect his health at all. It's kinda more so like a... kinda like when your eardrum pops on a plane flight." Jihyun spoke and Hoseok was relieved to hear that he hasn't suddenly become deaf during the night.

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