Lafayette x Reader With Powers

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Lafayette's POV. 
Requested: No. 
Angst or fluff: None
T/W: Demons and Hypnosis. 
Y/L/N stands for your last name and Y/S/N means your sister's name

I was on a walk with my friends. We had gotten bored so we decided to go and find somewhere to go to. We were walking through the woods to get to the other side of town when something caught my eye. A bright sign with a building full of lights was in the middle of a clearing. It said Y/L/N's Casino: You won't get so greedy. That's a nice slogan for a casino. "Mon amis look," I said pointing at the building. "We should go there!" Hercules suggested. We all nodded. We started to walk towards the building. We got to the door, where we were greeted by the bouncer. He checked all our ids and let us in. We entered the casino. Everything was amazing. I was in awe. The owners must have spent a lot of money doing this. Alexander saw some hot girls and ran off to go flirt with them. Laurens saw the bar and ran to get some alcohol. Hercules and I were figuring out what to do. Then Herc nudged me. "Laf, cute girls at 2 o-clock," he said. I looked over in the direction he was pointing. There were two exquisite girls conversing about something. Then they noticed us staring. We started to walk over to them. 

-Y/N's POV.-
I was standing with my sister Y/S/N. We were the owners of the casino. We were both half-demons. Our parents ran the place but we owned it. My mum and dad imprisoned every person to set foot here. We were different from them. Y/S/N had the ability to read minds. I had the ability to hypnotize people into doing my bidding and falling in love with me and different people. Then I noticed a group of four men enter the casino. One of them rushed off to a group of girls while another went off to the bar. There were two of them left. "Hey sissy cute humans 4 o-clock," I whispered to her. She looked up from her monitor and her eyes fell on them. "I like the one with the beenie," she replied. I chuckled. "Who would have thought that my older sister would fall in love so easily," I teased. She hit my arm. Then I noticed that the two gents were coming towards us. They had clearly noticed us. "Shoot Y/S/N they're coming towards us. Act natural," I said internally panicking. 

The boys made their way over to us. "Hi," we said at the same time. The boys waved. Shy much? "I'm Y/S/N and this is my younger sib Y/N," my sister introduced us. "Hi I'm Lafayette and this is my friend Hercules Mulligan," the dude with a bun said. My eyes fell on Lafayette. I remember seeing him back in France.  He was super cute. I know that I swore to myself that I wouldn't hypnotize someone to fall in love with me again but I can't resist. "Hey, you guys are new here so why don't we show you around. We own this place so you can get a V.I.P tour. I just need to talk with my sib real quick," my sister excused us. "I know you like Lafayette. Take him into the hypnotist room and do it quick. I know how you feel. I feel the same for Hercules. Could you do what you did for him for me please sis?" she pleaded. I nodded my head. I was the quieter one. 

We got to the boys. "Hercules, I'm gonna show you around while my sister shows Lafayette around. We'll swap around in the middle okay," my sister confirmed. We all nodded. I took Lafayette's arm and started to escort him. "You're quiet," he said. "I prefer to stay quieter. It's just my thing," I replied. "Now do you want to see the room where I work? I'm a hypnotist so you can see how I film videos," I lied. Lying was a special skill of mine. He nodded eagerly. I lead him into my room. It had a camera and some books about hypnosis. Lafayette started to explore. I chuckled. "Hey, Laf can I ask you something?" I questioned. "Sure," he said without looking up from the blurb of a book he was examining. "Can I hypnotize you for a video. I sometimes do it with casino members. Nothing embarrassing promise," I asked. He put the book down in shock. "I would love to!!" he squealed. I set up the camera at an angle where you could see us both. I had learned hypnosis so I would send him to sleep but then use my powers as a permanent effect. If he loved another though he could date her. The spell would need my permission though. If he did love her dearly then I would let him go. It would be hard for me. Only a true love's kiss could break the spell. 

I did the introduction. He was a professional at filming. Then came the hard bit. I put my hand out in front of him. "Focus on the center of my hand. Don't let anything else distract you. Listen to the sound of my voice. Take a deep breath in and sleep," I commanded. As soon as the words left my mouth his eyes closed and he went into his trance. I smiled at the achievement. Then I stopped filming. I looked at him. Lifeless. I looked down ashamed of what I was doing to him. Then I started to use my powers on him. The entire spell took five minutes but it was done. He would finally love me. Then I clicked my fingers and he jolted up. I hid behind him. He looked confused as to why he was in this room. Then I covered his eyes with my hands. "Guess who?" I asked. "Who?" he questioned in reply. I came out from behind him. Now was the moment of truth. Had the spell worked? "Y/N!!!" he yelled giving me a hug. "Mon amour I missed you," he spoke. Then he kissed me. He kissed me with power. I melted into the kiss. 

He pulled away and looked at me dumbfounded. No! The spell had broken because it was true love for me! "What are we doing?" he asked me. I started to cry. I was having a mental breakdown. "It's my fault. I tricked you because that's what my parents always taught me to do. I used my powers to make you fall in love with me because I have a crush on you. Then you kissed me and because it was a true love's kiss for me it reversed the spell," I confessed. Then I broke down sobbing. Lafayette pulled me into a hug. "Mon amour the reason that spell broke is because you're not alone. I love you to Y/N. You captivate me. You are an angel in my opinion," he spilled. I looked at him confused. I noticed the small gap between us. I pulled him in by his collar and kissed him. He immediately kissed back. I was so happy. My hands tangled in his hair. His hands went around my waist. It was amazing. "Go get some Lafayette!" "Go little sis!". We saw my sister and Herc being cock-blocks. Lafayette turned a shade of red. "Go make out with Herc Y/S/N," I told her. Then I resumed the kiss. I guess this was the casino of dreams after all. 

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