Race x Reader (1992 film)

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Y/N's POV. 
Requested?: No.
Fluff or Angst: None.
T/W: A panic attack. 
This is a modern theme. There is stuff like phones but it doesn't provide news you can only call/text people and post things about what's happening in your area. This is based on the 1992 film but it can be Ben Cook's Race as well. 

I was at the rally with my boyfriend Racetrack. Mrs. Medda had stopped singing. Race was holding onto her arm. "Like her ey?" I teased. He smacked my arm. 
"Ya know I'm dating youse Y/N. It's only a small crush. Well all get 'em, " he ranted. 
"Sure," I chuckled. Then a whistle was heard. I looked over and saw Snyder. Jesus Christ, he was coming with reinforcements! Someone was going to get hurt. Racetrack started to usher Medda away. I grabbed onto his arm. He gave me a reassuring smile. Then some police started to follow us. "Run!" Race yelled at me. I stayed rooted to the spot. I watched helplessly as he tried to protect Mrs. Medda. Then a policeman got to him. I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I started to film the scene. Mrs. Medda was being held back by two strangers. The officer punched Race and he slid down the pole he had been clutching on. This had to go online, then Race will get some justice. The man called another policeman over and they dragged Race away. "Racetrack!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the hall. This couldn't be happening. Why is it always me?! 

 I swear the entire fight stopped for me. I started to sob uncontrollably. My only friend. The one person who made me feel like I wasn't invisible, was gone. I started to have trouble breathing. I rushed to find Spot. He knew that I had anxiety and it was bad at times. I saw him. "S-spot!" I yelled over the crowd. I saw him look at me. Worry flashed over his face. I only stuttered when things were bad. "Y/N calm down. What happened?" he asked in an attempt to help me. 
"T-took R-race," I stuttered out. He nodded in understanding. "I-I got a v-video and s-some pictures t-that could h-help," I explained. He nodded. This was a genius idea. Now I would have to try and find Race. I would find him! I knew It was only a matter of time.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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