John Laurens X Reader

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Y/N POV. This is based of the history of wrong guys from Kinky Boots. It is mainly based of Andrew Kennan Bolger's version as well. Singing in italics

It was another day at Starbucks. Well not an ordinary Starbucks. This Starbucks had the shop part and a part for employees to go and yell or sing or cry without anyone hearing them. I mean we all have our bad days. My job is to go into the line, get the customers order and give it to them to give to Lafayette. Lafayette had some friends who came here a lot. One of them caught my eye. His name was John Laurens but I Laf him Jacky. I had a small crush on him. We had met before but he didn't bat an eye. I went into the line. I finished serving one of my regulars Jasmine (see what I did there?). "Have a nice day Jasmine!" I told her. "You to Y/N!" She replied. She was a nice girl. "Hi welcome to Starbucks," I greeted my next customer. I looked up from my paper. In all his glory, John Laurens was there. God why now?! This encounter should be interesting.

He started to say his order. "Hi I'll have a-" he started but I cut him off. "Grande, two pump, half-caf, non-fat, double dry latte, easy foam, extra h-hot," I said for him. I wrote down what I had just said. He looked impressed. "Wow you remembered," he said to me. "Yeah," I meekly replied. He smiled. "Wow brains and looks," he laughed. Time froze. It was just me moving. I looked at the attractive boy. Was he really flirting with me? "Oh no, don't you dare. Boy, boy, boy I'm warning you. I think I have a crush," I sang to myself. 'I can't. I think I'm falling for him. Oh no. Why not?' I asked myself. Why was I panicking about having a crush? 'Women have been making bad choices since the begging of time. Are you gonna be another one of mine? Ohhh.' I sang. Time unfroze. "Ooops sorry... I forgot to give you my name... uh," he said stalling for a moment. "John," I told him.
"Really? Same," he said smiling.
"John, John" I said to him gesturing from him to me. "I mean John Y/N," I said pointing at me and then him. I noticed my mistake. "Y/N John," I said messing up again. "I'm Y/N you're John. There we go," I told him. I gave him his ticket. "Hey Y/N, maybe after work or when you're on break we can hang out," he preposed. I nodded and went into the employee room. He was the last person in line. The employee room was empty as per usual. Lafayette, Hercules and I were the only people who worked here. Everyone quit after our wages went down by $1.00. Lafayette was the manager and I was co-manager. Hercules worked for us. We were the dynamic trio.

I started to sing once again, 'Used to think you were from outer space. Who's that bright eyed guy in your place? Your kind of cute when you're not so shy. Oh. But I've been here before. Have I come back for more? Another chapter in the history of wrong guys. You used to be so 'eh'. A limp lacklustre bore. But now you're changing into something I just can't ignore.'. I ran to Lafayette and I's own coffee stand ,where we made our own coffee and sometimes served each other, and jumped up on to it. 'Jacky! Honestly, I've been hurt like this before. Is there more to you than what I always thought?'. I jumped off the stand. It was something I had learned from my co-worker. 'How can you surprise me anymore? Oh, oh, oh.' I asked myself once again. "Hey mate can you come out here Laurens need serving," Lafayette poked his head through the door and told me. I came out to see Laurens hugging someone. The girl then left the shop. Laurens walked up to me. "Hey Y/N, in all the commotion I forgot to order Nicola's mocha," he ordered. I wrote it down and handed him the strip of paper. "Mocha's Nicola," I said. "I mean, Niamocha's mocha,". He chucked.
"Just put it under Laurens," he replied and went to  get it for her.

I ran back to the room. "He's got a girlfriend you flake. Why are they only nice when they're....... unavailable." I concluded. 'Don't wanna be a star-crossed lover. We all know how that ends. I'm better off without him. We're better off as friends," I complained to Lafayette. He had listened to all my ranting. I sobbed into my piece of paper. He patted me on the back. 'But I've been here before. Have I come back for more? Another chapter in the history of wrong guys. Yesterday no spark. No heart aching allure.' I layer down onto the table once again. 'But today I'm feeling something I just can't ignore.'. I kicked my legs in the air and then jumped off the bench. 'Jacky.  Honestly, I've been hurt like this before. Oh. Oh. Oh. The history of wrong guys.' I started dancing along with my singing.

Then I ripped one piece of paper out of my stack. 'Chapter one, he's a bum'. Then I ripped another one. 'Two- he's not into you'. Then another four more were gone. 'Three- he's a sleaze. Four- loves the girl next door. Five- loves the boy next door. Six- don't love you no more.'. Lafayette looked very concerned for me. Then I started throwing papers into the air. 'Makes you insecure. Makes you so unsure. Is so immature. Loves his mother more. Or has a girlfriend named Nicola'. I sang looking down and throwing my paper to the ground. "Hey Laf John wants his receipt for  his sister Nicola," Herc said. Lafayette passed him it and then looked at me. The door closed and I smiled. "Sister?!" I asked happily. 'Jacky. Honestly, I've been hurt like this before. Is there really more to you. Than what I always thought? But I won't be burned anymore. Oh. Oh. Oh.' I left the employee room. I put down my paper thing. "Where are you of too?" Laf asked. "I'm going on break!" I announced my voice cracking a touch. Then I ran over to John and hugged him. Then he kissed me. I guess he want going into my history of wrong guys.

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