Grantaire x Used! Reader Part One

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Requested: No. 
Song: All You Wanna Do. Singing in Italics.
T/W: Heartbreak
Angst or Fluff: Angst. 

It was another day at Cafe Musian. I was staying away from everyone. I hated social talking. It's ironic that Enjolras Apollo was my brother. He loved public speaking. I had no trust as well. I had been used by many boys before. I tried not to fall in love with any of them. But I eventually gave in. It's always the same with boys. I was waiting for Grantaire. He was going to be late. I'm not gonna lie, I've developed a crush for Grantaire. I don't think he notices me though. That breaks my heart.

Then the door banged open. Grantaire entered the room. I laughed at my brother as he got a fright. He could be brave but he was also scared. I was polishing my dagger when the wonderful man came over. "Hey Y/N?" He asked. I wondered what he could be confused about. "Yeah," I replied not looking up from my work. "I fancy somebody," he bluntly said. My head jerked up. I looked at him. Was it me? I mean I was wearing the flower he gave to me this morning. He did flirt with me. I was one of the only girls he knew. "Go on," I encouraged him. This was the moment."Do you think you're brother will like me back?" He questioned. My heart shattered. He loved my brother? "Y-yeah, if you try R hopefully. Good luck,". And with that, he walked off. I felt my mouth go dry. I sneaked out of the cafe. I ran into the alleyway just outside.

I started to sob. I knew it! Grantaire would never love Y/N Apollo. He would always love Enjolras Apollo. I pulled out a picture from my pocket. It was a picture of ten-year-old Grantaire and me on my tenth birthday. I missed those days. Carefree days. The days were heartbreak didn't affect you as badly. I started to hum the tune of All You Wanna Do. I was up to the fourth verse. Then I heard the voices of women. "Y/N!" Cossette exclaimed when she saw me. "Y/N what's wrong?" Èponine asked. I explained the whole story to them. They nodded gravely. "I thought this time was different," I sang. The girls were the only ones who knew my secret. Not even my brother knew. I trusted them. Èponine looked at me with sympathy. "Why did I think he'd be different,". Cossette urged me to go on. "But it's never ever different!" I sang hitting a high note. "Cause all you wanna do. All you wanna do babe is. Touch me when will enough be enough see. All you wanna do all you wanna do babe is. Please me. Squeeze me. Birds and the bees me. Bite my lip and pull my hair as you tell me I'm the fairest of the fair! Playtimes over. Playtimes over. Playtime's over. The only thing. The only thing. The only thing you wanna do is," I finished. I let all of my emotions out. I needed this. I could hear talking from the cafe. Some of the boys must have heard me.

Enjolras' POV. This is during what just happened.
It had been ten minutes and I hadn't seen my sister. She had most likely gone somewhere. I sent Cossette and Èponine to go and find her. They were her best friends after all. I loved my sister dearly. I didn't want anything to happen to her. Then I was upstairs talking with Courf and Comb. They were reassuring me. Then I heard singing. It was my sisters! We all looked out the window. "But it's never ever different," she sang. I immediately realized what she had been through. Why she never talked to boys. She had been used! I felt so bad. The boys were arguing and I couldn't take it. The singing had stopped. I heard Cossette saying that Y/N deserved better than Grantaire. I was gonna kill him. But first I need to see my sister.

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