Race x Mute Reader

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Y/N's POV 

I was rushing to my home in the streets as fast as I could. Being an orphan wasn't easy. Being mute and having to look after a one-year-old child isn't easy. I had just stolen some food for Theodosia the child I looked after. I found her abandoned on the street last year. An hour after I got back to our'home' two newsies saw us. "Hey what are doing alone on the streets?" one of them asked. I wrote down something on some paper"I live here with my kinda child," I wrote showing them, Theo. "So you had her or something?" the other one asked. "Oh god no I found her abandoned and brought her in," I wrote hastily. "I'm Albert and this is Specs, you must be a mute right?"Albert said I nodded in response.  "So you wanna come and live with us or something?" Specs asked. "Of course I'll live with you guys, I'm Y/N, and the baby is Theodosia," I wrote grabbing Theo and my bag of stuff following them to Tibby's 

When we got to Tibby's I saw a bunch of boys talking really loud. I put Theo's noise-cancelling headphones in and walked in with Albert and Specs. When we went all eyes went to me making me scared out of my mind. "Guys this is Y/N she is a mute girl and this is Theodosia," Albert said pointing to me and Theo "Theo was foud by her and she is now Y/N's sister," Specs said. "Hi I'm Y/N I'm fifteen and I am a mute," I singed a boy with a gimp leg nodded he must be able to understand sign language. "I'm Crutchie I can understand sign language so I'll translate you for the boys okay?" he signed back "Got it nice to meet you Crutchie," i singed back. 
"English please," a boy about my age said he said to me smiling. After introductions I move into my own room.

A Few Months Later  

Race hasn't been back for 2 hours and we can't find him but he must be just gambiling. I decide to go for a walk. I tell Crutchie by singing and he tells the fellas they are fine as long as I don't get into trouble. I only walk to my selling spot which only down  the street of the lodging house. That's when I saw it. My crush Racetrack Higgins beaten in a  stone-cold alleyway. I clean Race up an he thanks me. That's when the best bit happened. Race pulled me close before we entered the lodging house. "Thank you for everything Y/N I love you," he says. The whole world stays silent as I look at Race and then... We Kiss! Sparks flew and Race asked me to be his girl and I singed yes. The boys would never stop teasing him about it and that was always funny. 

I have finally found my prince charming and happy ending 

Race's POV 

I have finally found my princess and happy ending 

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