I got tagged!

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Hi guys I got tagged by broadway_crackers.

Phobia- I have no real idea what phobia I have. I think it's losing my friends and family though.

Middle name- Danielle

Are you emotional?- Kind of. Like if a sad moment comes on then I will stay strong. But my friends aren't allowed to say the words Laurens Interlude. So I'm in between.

Any irl friends on here?- Yes. danganronpabutter is my friend on here and irl.

Do you listen to what they say? No I don't because it doesn't matter. I know that they are in the wrong. I will always stand up for my homies though.

Favourite part of face?- My glasses. I think that both of my pairs are super pretty.

Favourite colour- Black or green.

Where do you want to go badly when you're older?- France or New York.

Bike or car- Car. Although I'm not old enough to drive one I can't ride a bike. It's not gonna happen in heaven or hell.

Five things you can't live without- 1) My family 2) My two bffs 3) musicals 4) books 5) technology

Nicknames- AJ, Jonesy, Nikel, Crutchie.
My friends are weird.

Favourite animal- Ferret.

The state I'm in most often- Where I cry about fictional characters who died in musicals or other things.

Day or night?- Night.

Tag 20 people- I don't know if I can do 20 but I'll try.


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