Jack x Beaten Up Reader Part 2

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This is part two no one asked for. So enjoy it. 
Warnings: Injury and being a short fan fic 
Jack's POV. 

Once we came back from beating Morris up Y/N wasn't in the main room. "Where's Y/N?," I asked hoping she's okay. "Upstairs resting." Crutchie and Specs answered together. I ran upstairs but not before saying "I'm going to go see her in private,". When I got up there I saw Y/N she was awake. "J-Jack," she spoke softly. I went towards her slowly and then sat by her bedside. She held my hand and spoke again "I love you, Jack,". I was shocked and speechless. The girl I liked just said she loved me. "I love you'se to Y/N," I said to her. Then it was her turn to be shocked. Then she pulled me in and kissed me. I didn't know how long we were kissing each other for but it was magical. Then I heard something sounding like a saxophone. I turned around and saw Racetrack playing Careless Whisper on the saxophone. I heard Albert shout "Go get some Jack!" and Romeo shout "Does that mean I get Kathrine?!". "Yes Romeo If she'll let you," I sarcastically replied. Race being the annoying person he is was still playing his sax. Like where did he find and learn how to play it? "Race! Get out! I shouted. He went out and I said to Y/N "Get some rest,". Then I left and went out of the lodging house to avoid questions. I'm livin' with a bunch of nitwits.  But hey I've finally got my princess. 

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