John Laurens X Reader

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John's POV. 
Requested: No. 
Angst or Fluff: None. Kind of smutty at the end. 
T/W: Kind of smutty ending for you sinners like me. 
 The reader's nickname is JJ. 

I had been invited to this performing arts place where kids could perform and live. I was going with my friends, the Schyulers, Mr. Washington, and the democratic-republicans. We were staying overnight. We got to the house and entered we sat down at our seats and let the performance begin. Then a dance-off between the 19-21-year-olds and 22+ had just started. I may only be 20 but this was unfair. After the younger kids, the older kids went. They had props and were using this to their advantage. They finished the song and were celebrating on stage. I saw a kid around my age peak out and look outraged. I watched as they got the attention of the others. They went on stage. I took a closer inspection of the person. They had a hoodie up covering their hair, the sleeves of their hoodie were coving their hands and they were wearing glasses. I watched as a boy tapped the shoulder of the older kids' leader. "Wot," the leader demanded. "It's not fair that you've got props," he boldly stated. "Why not peasant?" he spat. I was appalled. That is no way to talk to a person! "Because you have funds. The only reason we are here is that JJ spends all of her funds on making sure we can get songs and costumes. She hasn't spent a single penny on herself. It's all for this place. We're slaving away here to compete while you are here celebrating on stage. It's not fair. It's never been!" the boy yelled. The leader glared at him. "Go back to the orphanage idiot," he demanded. The leader pushed the boy onto the ground. I saw the kid from before run off stage. They came back on a minute later holding a stick. They ran up to the leader. "Hey idiot, pick on someone your own age," she teased. "Oh, look guys it's the idiotic boy. Go back to the kitchen," he spat. Then the kid pulled her hood down and her sleeves automatically went up. I was impressed. "Sorry I can't hear you. Did you say boy?" she asked. I chuckled. "What are you gonna do JJ? Hit me with your stick?" he taunted. He was a big bully. "No," she casually replied. They all started to laugh and the leader went to punch her when she stopped them. She clicked a button and the stick became a morning star. Everyone was flabbergasted. "Do you really wanna mess with me now patchino?" she asked. The leader immanently nodded. He was terrified of her. "Good," she said, slapping him and walking off. I left my seat and followed her.  I saw her putting on her beenie. "Hey wait!" I yelled in an attempt to stop her. I grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her towards him. I let my heart take over and kissed her. I pulled away. God, I'm such an idiot! "Wow," she breathed. "Laurens, John Laurens," I told her kissing her hand. She blushed a bright red. "I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N," she said. She smiled at me. Her smile drove me mad. "Are you staying the night?" she questioned. I nodded. "Come on then," she urged dragging me to her room. 

I entered the boys' bedroom with messy hair and a permanent smirk. "Someone's happy," Herc taunted. I brushed it off. That day was one hell of a day. 

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