Grantaire x Used! Reader

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I was being helped by the girls. Cossette was making me laugh. Eponine had gone and grabbed a giant tub of Ben and Jerry's and some coke. When asked why Eponine gave all the boys a glare. No one dared come near us. When I'm sad the girls' protective mode activates. This is like the family I never had. I was thinking about what I sang earlier. 'But it's never ever different'. Was that true? Were all boys like that? If so then why me? Why at such a young age? Why did the Les Amis not notice me breaking? Why did my own brother not see the pain? Why did Grantaire so oblivious? Did he hate me? Has he ever noticed me apart from today? "Am I just Enjolras' younger sister, to be preyed on and not seen for her personality?" I questioned aloud. The two girls burst into fits of fury. "Of course you're not!" Eponine and Cossette yelled. They started to hug me. Then the moment was ruined by someone shouting "Enjolras no!". 

We rushed into the cafe. I was confused. What was my brother doing? I could see the barmaids cowering. Cossette went to calm them down. Eponine and I ran upstairs. I pulled out my musket. My brother could have anything. I handed it to Eponine. I wasn't in the mood to use it. Cossette then jogged up to us. She nodded at Pony. Eponine kicked down the door. The boys all looked at us. Eponine just brushed it off. We all looked into the room. My brother had a pistol. It was aimed at Grantaire's chest. The two girls gasped. "Enjolras Alexander James Oliver Woodcot Apollo! Put the gun down!" I yelled. The girls were shocked. I had gone from sad to livid in 0.1 seconds. He reluctantly lowered his gun. "But Y/N he deserved it. I heard Cossette last night," he said. "Enjolras, you can't go eavesdropping on someone and if someone is gonna shoot him it might as well be me," I replied. The last bit caused laughs. "Enjolras? What is this all about?" Jehan asked. Enjolras spoke again, "Well I only figured this out last night but, my sister has been used by men, she liked Grantaire but he likes me so she's heartbroken and most likely considers it the same,".

 Eponine gave a giant glare to Enjolras. Cossette saw me breaking so she took me out of the room. I hated the topic of them. "All they wanted to do was hurt me, Cossette," I sobbed. I didn't want this to be the same. I was just gonna let fate do its job. I decided to go and get some fresh air. I was back in the alleyway. I knew that some people would come through so I decided to climb up to the roof. I started singing on my way up. "Some mistakes get made that's alright that's okay. You can think that you're in love. When you're really just in pain. In the end it's better for me. That's the moral of the story babe,". I got up to the top of the roof. I could hear shouting.  I thought it was them arguing. But they weren't arguing. They were calling my name. I saw the compartment that they could get through. I quickly blocked it off with a chair. The boys were trying to get up. I could hear the voices of every one of them. Everyone but R. He must be too busy to care about me. I looked at the ledge. I saw the city of Paris. The city I would say was mine."I thought this time was different," I heard the banging of the trapdoor. The chair had moved off it. "Why did I think he'd be different,". Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Enjolras. "But It's never ever different," I sang. Grantaire ran up to me. "Don't go please," he begged. I kissed him on the forehead. "Until later, my dear. I will see you later,". I gave him a bunch of papers. Then I slid down the pipe. 

Grantaire's POV. 

I looked at the piece of paper Y/N had left for me. It was a picture of us kissing on New Year's Eve. We did it because everyone else was kissing. She looked mesmerized and so happy. Meanwhile, I looked like I had better days. I started to cry. I realized that she loved me and I loved her. What Y/N said is right. Not every story has to have a happy ending. 

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