Chapter 15 - Ash's 3rd Galar Gym Battle

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Ash's current rank: 700.

With the traitors and the four Macro Cosmos employees at Motostoke Town:

"Finally outside the cave and back at Motostoke," said Misty.

"Too bad we couldn't take that Ketchup and his friends down," said Calem in annoyance.

"There's always next time," said Employee 1.

"Exactly right. I assume you lot will be heading to Stow-on-Side Town immediately to get your next gym badge?" asked Employee 2.

"Yes. There's no point of going to the Pokemon Centre here to heal our fainted Pokemon especially with Ash and his friends coming this way," said Trip.

"That's a valid point," said Employee 3.

"In the meantime, we will continue our journey and let us know if there is anything you guys need," said Iris.

"No problem. Stay safe and for now, try to avoid the Ash and his friends. At this point, it is proven that we don't stand a chance against him," said Employee 4.

"Agreed," said Drew and the two groups began heading to their respective destinations.

With Ash, Gary, Goh and Chloe:

"Alright, we're finally out," said Ash as he and his friend had exited the mine, entering Motostoke Outskirts. About 5 minutes later, the group reached the town and entered the Pokemon Centre to get their Pokemon healed after their confrontation with the traitors and the Macro Cosmos Employees.

"Anyone down for some lunch after that battle we had?" asked Ash.

"Sure thing. Why not?" said Goh and the four of them went to a nearby restaurant to have some ramen while waiting for their Pokemon to fully heal.

About half an hour later, the group of them went to get their Pokemon from Nurse Joy and began to head towards Motostoke Stadium.

"Hello there, who do we have here?" asked Kabu as he saw the group of four entering his gym.

"My name is Ash Ketchum, and I'm here for a gym battle," said the raven-haired trainer.

"A gym battle eh? Sure thing, let's get started," said Kabu as he gestured to the battlefield while Gary, Goh and Chloe began making their way to the spectating area.

"This will be a 1 on 1 gym battle between the challenger Ash Ketchum and the gym leader Kabu. Both trainers are allowed to use 3 Pokemon each and only the challenger can substitute Pokemon. The battle will be over when all of either side's Pokemon are unable to battle. Can both trainers please send out their first Pokemon?" requested the referee.

"Ninetales. You're up first," said Kabu as the Fox Pokemon entered the battlefield.

"Torterra. I choose you," said Ash as the Continent Pokemon appeared on the battlefield.

"Battle begin," said the referee.

"Ninetales, begin with Flamethrower," said Kabu as the Fox Pokemon fired a powerful jet of orange flames towards Torterra.

"Torterra, dodge it with Rock Polish," commanded Ash as the Continent Pokemon's body glowed white and began to move at a high speed and dodge the Flamethrower.

"In that case, use Sunny Day," ordered Kabu as Ninetales fired a white ball of light into the sky, causing a harsh beam of sunlight to cover the battlefield.

"Use Stone Edge," said Ash as Torterra slammed its front two legs onto the ground, causing several sharp stones to protrude from the surface of the ground and score a super effective hit on the opposing Fox Pokemon.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now