Chapter 38 - The Darkest Day Begins

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With the Rose, Oleana and the traitors at the Energy Plant:

"Alright, looks like the battle between Ash and Leon has just came to a conclusion," said Rose after ending after the undercover Macro Cosmos employee, who was at the Wyndon Stadium watching the final match.

"So Ash won the battle?" asked Calem.

"Yep, that's correct," said Rose.

"Too bad we weren't able to defeat him," said Trip in annoyance.

"Leave that aside, we've got more important things to worry about," said Misty.

"So we are going to revive Eternatus?" asked May.

"That's correct, and we shall do that now," said Oleana as she and Leon went to the location where Eternatus was stored.

Immediately, the Gigantic Pokemon was awakened and immediately started firing multiple red Galar particles upwards, damaging the roof and causing the explosion to break out.

"What's happening?" asked Iris in shock.

"It can't be," said Rose as Eternatus immediately flew above the hole it created in the ceiling, leading to Hammerlocke Stadium and started firing off more particles into the sky and causing it to become dark.

"Looks like Eternatus has absorbed too much Galar particles at once," said Oleana.

With Ash and Leon at the closing ceremony immediately after the battle:

"That was an amazing battle. Congratulations on defeating me, Ash," said Leon whilst offering a handshake.

"Thanks Leon, it was awesome battling you head to head," said Ash who accepted the handshake.

Seconds later, the dark sky from Hammerlocke City began to spread to Wyndon City, surrounding the stadium.

"What's going on?" asked Chloe.

"This must be what Professor Magnolia was talking about with regards to the Darkest Day," said Goh.

Seconds later, Leon received a phone call and answered, which turned out to be from Sonia.

"Leon, can you hear me?" asked Sonia.

"Yes I can," replied Leon.

"Has the sky started turning dark at Wyndon City yet?" asked Sonia.

"Yes it has a few seconds ago. What about in Wedgehurst Town?" said Leon.

"Same here. Looks like somebody has initiated the Darkest Day," said Sonia.

"Any idea where it may be coming from?" asked Leon.

"Not yet, but I'll head to Wyndon Stadium immediately and meet you so we can investigate this issue together," answered Sonia.

"Good idea, I'll see you shortly," said Leon and the call ended.

Shortly after Sonia hung up the call with Leon, multiple red particles began to appear from the sky, with some of them entering the stadium.

"Everyone be careful!" warned Leon as people from the spectating area started panicking and started heading outside the battlefield for safety, including Ash's friends. Seconds later, one of the Galar particles hit Pikachu, causing the Mouse Pokemon to enlarge in size and immediately transform into its Gigantamax form.

"Everyone wait," said Professor Kukui to the rest of Ash's friends and they all turned around to see the Gigantamax Pikachu standing in the battlefield.

"Is that Ash's Pikachu!?" said Serena in shock.

"So huge, I wanna go see in closer," said Bonnie in excitement.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now