Chapter 26 - Dynamax Battles between Ash's Friends

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With the traitors heading west on the river located at Circhester Bay, on the same day the battle was held between Ash and Iris:

"Where does this river take us to?" asked May as the traitors were riding on their Water-type Pokemon.

"Let's have a look," said Trip as he took out his PokeDex and opened the map, which showed the following:

"By the looks of things, we're currently heading north, but the river will then change directions to east, and we can hop off at the northern part of Route 9 and fly to Hammerlocke," said Calem

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"By the looks of things, we're currently heading north, but the river will then change directions to east, and we can hop off at the northern part of Route 9 and fly to Hammerlocke," said Calem.

"Why do we need to fly there instead of walking?" asked Drew.

"Because if we walked, it would take us longer to get there," replied Calem.

"Who has got large Pokemon that can fly long distances?" asked May.

"Unfortunately I don't have any," said Misty, May, Kenny and Trip.

"I've got Flygon," said Drew.

"I've got Dragonite and Hydreigon," said Iris.

"I've got Altaria," said Calem.

"That's four Pokemon and seven people," said Misty.

"Problem solved," said Kenny.

A few minutes later, the seven traitors reached the northern end of Route 9, recalled their Water-type Pokemon that transported them back into their respective PokeBalls.

"Alright, let's head to Hammerlocke City before that little kid does," said Iris as she, Drew and Calem took out Dragonite, Hydreigon, Flygon and Altaria.

"Trip, you and I shall ride Dragonite. Misty and Kenny, the two of you ride my Hydreigon," said Iris.

"May, do you want to ride on my Flygon with me?" asked Drew.

"Sure thing," replied May.

"Then I'll go on Altaria by myself," said Calem.

"With that decided. Let's head to Hammerlocke City," said Iris as the group took off into the air and began to fly towards their destination.

With Ash and his friends at the entrance of the Route 9 tunnel the same day he defeated Marnie & Piers, later in the afternoon:

"So this is the Route 9 Tunnel," said Goh as they approached the entrance.

"Yep," said Ash as he examined the map on his Nanodex.

"Anything significant about it?" asked Brock.

"Well according to what it says in my Nanodex, it says that Dynamax battles often occur in this tunnel," replied the raven-haired trainer.

"Speaking of Dynamax battles, I think the rest of you should try it out, except for Ash and I, since the two of us have already done it," said Gary, causing the rest of group to become surprised.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now