Chapter 36 - More Reunions

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The next morning, with Ash and Gary at the Pokemon Centre, using one of the public telephones:

"Morning Ash and Gary, what can I do for you?" asked Professor Kukui.

"Well, as you may know, I have made it to the finals of the World Coronation Series," said Ash.

"Yes, we did see your battles, congratulations on making it to the finals," said Professor Kukui.

"However, as the match isn't until tomorrow, we have decided to invite more people to come as soon as possible to watch the battle in the stadium instead of plainly from TV, so I was wondering if you, the students, Hau and Gladion are willing to come to Galar?" asked Gary.

"Absolutely, thanks for asking. We'll immediately book for the earliest flights to Galar Airport and make our way to Wyndon Stadium. We will probably arrive in the afternoon and will contact you when we are almost at Wyndon City," said Professor Kukui.

"Excellent, looking forward to seeing everyone there," said Ash.

"Likewise," said Professor Kukui and the call ended. 

For the next 15 minutes, Ash and Gary then contacted Alain & Mairin, Cilan, Harrison, Tyson, Sawyer, Cameron and Stephan, who have all watched Ash's battles in the Masters Eight tournament, and have agreed to make their way to Wyndon City by this afternoon.

After returning back to their restaurant, where everyone else was eating:

"So how did it go?" asked Brock.

"All of them will be making their way to here from their own respective regions and set to arrive this afternoon," replied Ash.

"Brilliant, that's some perfect timing," said Max.

At the same time, with the traitors outside the entrance of the Energy Plant in Hammerlocke City:

"Ah there you are, please come in," said Rose as he led the group into the facility.

"How is the progress of reviving Eternatus?" asked Calem as they were taken to the room that contained the Gigantic Pokemon, where Oleana was waiting for them.

"We have completed collecting enough amount of Galar particles that will revive Eternatus," replied Rose.

"Straight after the ceremony of whoever wins the final match in the World Coronation Series," said Oleana.

"Smart idea. Anything you want us to do for the timebeing?" asked Trip.

"Good question. Since there is no point of you guys going back to Wyndon Stadium after losing the tournament, just stay here with us," said Oleana.

"Deal," said the traitors.

Later that afternoon on the same day, with Ash training his Pokemon:

"Dragonite, use Dragon Claw. Dracovish, Dragon Rush," said Ash as the two Pokemon began charging at each other with their own attacks.

Seconds later, Ash's Nanodex started to buzz, so he called a temporary halt to the training session and answered the call, only to find out that the call was from Professor Kukui.

"Hello?" asked Ash.

"Ash, it's me, Professor Kukui. We're currently at Route 10, which is south of Wyndon stadium and will arrive at the stadium in about 10-15 minutes," said the Alolan Professor.

"Great to hear from you, Professor Kukui, are the students with you as well?" asked Ash.

"Correct, and not just my students, except for Lillie. Gladion, Hau and your rivals from other regions are currently with me right now. The flights from the different regions to Galar arrived at the airport at approximately the same time and we decided to make our way to where you guys are together," answered Professor Kukui.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now