Chapter 16 - The More The Merrier

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Ash's Current Rank: 550, rising from 600 after defeating a random Great Class trainer on the way to Stow-on-Side Town via Hammerlocke City.

At the Energy Plant below Hammerlocke Stadium:

"Well, how did it go?" asked Rose after seeing Employees 1-4 enter the facility.

"Unfortunately, we lost very badly. None of their Pokemon had fainted in the battle," said Employee 1.

"They're definitely a tough nut to crack," said Oleana.

"Most certainly. What about the traitors?" asked Rose.

"They're going to continue their journey to complete the gym challenges. However, we have exchanged phone numbers so we can then discuss our next set of plans and find a place to rendezvous," said Employee 2.

"Excellent. Have you guys managed to record the battle?" asked Rose.

"Yes, we have," said Employee 3 as he took out a well hidden small recording device from his uniform and handed it to Rose, who extracted the video and placed it on a computer, which replayed the entire battle.

"I see. Very interesting. Now I understand what Leon meant when he spoke highly of Ash. His friends are also not to be easily messed with," said Rose as he watched the entire battle. "We will have to think of a strategy to counter their battling style."

"What should we do in the meantime? Shall we stay with the traitors?" asked Employee 4.

"No. That would leave us easily exposed if Ash and his friends encounter the traitors again and meets you lot again, and they can easily report to the authorities, putting us in a tight corner that can be easily avoided," said Oleana.

"However, I suggest you lot to just contact them once in a while to see how they're going and once Oleana have devised another plan, we'll let you know. For now, just stay here and do your usual duties," said Rose.

"Understood," said Employees 1-4.

With Ash and his friends at the Stow-on-Side Town Pokemon Centre accommodation:

"Well that was a long trip," said Goh.

"Tell me about it. I'm already worn out," said Chloe.

"Glad we can finally get some rest," said Gary in relief.

"Yeah. The City of Hammerlocke that we passed through is a very large and populated," said Ash.

"Isn't that where the last gym is located?" asked Chloe.

"That's correct," said Gary.

"Ash, there's a serious question I need to ask," said Goh.

"What is it?" asked Ash.

"Well, regarding our confrontation with the traitors and those four people wearing uniform, let's just say that if we meet them again, I've got a feeling that they will have more backup to try and get rid of us, so I reckon that we should get more people with us in case it happens again," said Goh.

"That's a very good point made," said Ash in agreement.

"Who should we get to to join us in our journey? And how many extra?" asked Gary.

"Well with the traitors and the four other people, there are eleven people on their side. We have four people, so perhaps an extra seven," said Chloe.

"That's a lot for one travelling party," said Gary.

"True, but it never hurts to assume the worst if we do come across the traitors again with more backup. That way, we can become more prepared," said Goh.

"So I was thinking of the following people to join us: Brock, Max, Dawn, Serena, Lillie, Clemont and Bonnie," said Ash.

"This is going to be exciting," said Gary.

"Exactly, the more, the merrier. Plus you get to see Lillie again," teased Ash.

"I can say the same for you with Dawn and Serena," retorted Gary.

"Eh? I don't get it," said Goh.

"Neither do I," said Chloe.

"Don't worry. No biggie," said Ash.

"Then let's contact them. Hopefully they will be able to join us," said Gary and the four of them then turned on the contacts of Brock, Dawn, Max and Lillie on their Nanodex, which their holograms began to appear.

"Ash, Gary, Goh and Chloe, great seeing you guys again," said Brock.

"So what did you call us for?" asked Dawn.

"Well recently, we had another nasty confrontation with the traitors," said Gary.

"Them again? What did they do this time?" asked Max.

"We were travelling through a mine on the way to our next gym challenge when the traitors launched a sneak attack on us," said Ash.

"And to make things worse, they're also accompanied by four other people wearing this uniform. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to take a photo of it since they caught us by surprise," said Chloe.

"Did you guys manage to fend off the traitors by any chance?" asked Lillie.

"Thankfully yes, but something tells me that the traitors will have more backup and we don't know what they're planning next," said Goh.

"So we were wondering if the lot of you would like to join us. The traitors and those four people with the uniform total eleven people while there is just four of us at the moment. Later on, we plan to contact Clemont, Bonnie and Serena about this issue as well," said Ash.

"Well if those traitors are on the loose again, then we must stop them. We will definitely join you. Where in Galar are you guys right now?" asked Brock.

"Stow-on-Side Town," said Gary.

"Alright then, give us about two days to make our way here and we will contact you when we arrive at this town you're at," said Max.

"And on the bright side, we get to travel with you guys again and watch Ash compete in the World Coronation Series," said Dawn.

"Brilliant. See you guys soon," said Ash and the holograms of the four contacts disappeared a few seconds later.

"So far so good," said Goh.

"Now we just have to contact Clemont, Bonnie and Serena," said Ash as three of them contacted the Kalos travelling companions and their holograms appeared a moment later.

"Ash, and everyone else. How are you guys doing?" asked Bonnie.

"Honestly, could be better," said Ash.

"How come?" asked Clemont and for the next few minutes, Ash, Gary, Goh and Chloe began to explain the situation to them, causing the Kalos travelling companions to fume in anger.

"Again? These idiots never learn, do they?" said Serena in irritation.

"So do you guys wanna join us in taking down the traitors?" asked Gary.

"More than happy to," said Bonnie.

"Plus, we have Leon on our side, so he can help us if necessary," said Clemont.

"So it's decided. We'll meet up in Stow-on-Side Town in about two days," said Serena.

"Give us a call when you arrive," said Ash.

"Not a problem. See you guys soon," said Bonnie and the hologram of her, Clemont and Serena disappeared a moment later.

"Alright, I bet the traitors won't see this coming when they find out that we have reinforcements on our side," said Goh.

"Not to mention that we also have Leon to help us if needed," said Chloe.

"So I assume that you're going to challenge the gym tomorrow while we wait for the rest to join us, Ash?" asked Gary.

"You bet," said Ash.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now