Chapter 19 - Ash's 5th Galar Gym Battle

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"Here we are," said Ash as he, Gary, Goh, Chloe, Brock, Max, Dawn, Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, Lillie had settled in their cabins at the Pokemon Centre in Ballonlea Town, with Ash, Gary and Goh and Chloe in one, Brock, Max, Clemont in the other, Dawn, Bonnie, Serena and Lillie in another.

"So where shall we eat for dinner tonight?" asked Ash.

"Typical Ash, always thinking about food," said Dawn while laughing.

"How about that restaurant over there?" asked Serena pointing at a restaurant from a window and everyone looked to where she was pointing at.

"A ramen restaurant? Alright let's go there," said Brock and the group began to make the way to their selected destination.

The next morning after breakfast, with the entire group entering Ballonlea Stadium:

"So who's the challenger here to battle the gym leader who has been endorsed by Rose?" said a voice with a slight arrogant tone.

"Uh that would be me, Ash Ketchum," said Ash in an uncertain voice and the person, no other than Bede, then turned to him.

"Hmm, interesting. My name is Bede, and I was endorsed by Rose to complete my gym challenges and also participate in the World Coronation series," said the gym leader.

"Who's Rose?" asked Max.

"My, my, how could you guys not know? Rose is the chairman of the Galar League. Quite a shame you guys don't know, you guys must be outsiders," said Bede in mock disappointment, causing Ash and the others to become slightly irritated by his attitude.

"So what if we're outsiders from another region? What's your point?" said Dawn in a slightly cold tone.

"My point is that you guys don't stand much of a chance in the tournament if you don't even know who Rose is," said Bede dismissively.

"You might as know that you're facing against the Champion of Alola here," said Serena sternly.

"And Pokemon Master as well," added Clemont, causing Bede to take positive interest.

"I see, and what made you compete in the World Coronation Series?" asked Bede.

"I battled Leon when I arrived at this region, and even though I lost, he wanted me to take part in this tournament so we can battle again," said Ash.

"You battled Leon and lost? What a shame. And you call yourself a Pokemon Master even though you lost?" said Bede, causing their irritation to increase.

"It's not like you would stand a chance against Leon in the first place," said Gary.

"Maybe so, but you realize that the chairman is more important than the champion right? I was chosen by the chairman himself, which makes me more amazing than you," said Bede.

"If you're a man of your own words saying that you're more amazing than Ash, why don't you battle him to prove it then?" said Clemont.

"I suppose I should prove beyond doubt just how pathetic you are and how strong I am. Let's get started," said Bede as he and Ash walked to the battlefield while the rest sat in the spectating area.

"God, what's with his attitude? How is someone like him a gym leader?" whispered Chloe in disgust.

"Beats me. None of us were impressed at how he showed himself," said Goh.

"Well I hope Ash teaches him a lesson," said Lillie.

"Agreed. He's making a big mistake by downgrading Ash's status as a regional champion and Pokemon Master," said Bonnie.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now