Chapter 17 - Ash's 4th Galar Gym Battle

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"Alright, let's go," said Ash as the group finished their lunch and began heading towards the Stow-on-Side Stadium, only to see a girl with shoulder-length gray hair, wearing a black and white T-Shirt and shorts with streaks of orange training with her Pokemon consisting of Grapploct, Hawlucha, Hitmontop, Pangoro, Sawk, Throh, Tyrogue, Scraggy, Machop, Machoke and Machamp whereas there were also three gym trainers cleaning the gym.

"Looks like a Fighting-type gym," said Goh.

"And that's a handful of Fighting-type Pokemon," commented Chloe.

"Bea, somebody is here. And it's a group of four people," said Gym Trainer Ian and the gym leader with her Pokemon turned her head to the group who entered the gym.

"I'm assuming you guys are here for a gym battle," said Bea in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yes, that's right," said Ash.

"And which of you is the challenger?" asked Bea.

"That would be me, Ash Ketchum," replied the raven-haired trainer.

"Very well, let's get started," said Bea recalled her Pokemon, then made their way to either side of the battlefield with Ash while Gary, Goh and Chloe along with the Gym Trainers Ian & Simon went to the spectating site while Gym Trainer Claire acted as the referee.

"She definitely doesn't give off friendly vibes," whispered Chloe to Gary and Goh and the two of them nodded in approval.

"That's to be expected," said Ian causing the three of them to flinch in shock.

"You two heard us?" asked Goh in surprise.

"Yes, and to be honest. I don't blame you guys," said Simon.

"After all, Bea has been trained in Karate by her parents at a very young age and has a hard, strict discipline, having a very strong personality," said Ian.

"No wonder why she has so many Fighting-type Pokemon. Must have raised them for a very long time," said Gary.

"That's right. Many challengers found her lacking the ability to experience emotions, but recently, two trainers named Trip and Calem battled her separately and won. Bea was very impressed with their battling skills," said Simon causing Gary, Goh and Chloe to make a mental note to themselves.

"Truth to be told, she is less hardened in terms of personality when outside battling environments," said Ian.

"This will be an official gym battle between the challenger Ash Ketchum and the gym leader Bea. Both sides are allowed to use 3 Pokemon each and only the challenger is allowed to substitute his Pokemon. The battle will be over when all of either side's Pokemon are unable to battle. Can both sides please take out their first Pokemon?" requested Claire.

"Grapploct, you're first," said the Bea as she went out the Ju-Jitsu Pokemon into the battlefield.

"In that case, Emboar, I choose you," said Ash as he sent out the Mega Fire Pig Pokemon into the battlefield.

"Battle begin," said Claire.

"Begin with Bulk Up," ordered Bea as Grapploct flexed its tentacles, causing a red aura to surround its body, increasing its attack and defense.

"Use Scald," commanded Ash as Emboar opened its mouth and fired a powerful jet of hot water directly at the opposing Grapploct, scoring a direct hit and burning the latter.

"Don't give up. Use Liquidation," said Bea as Grapploct got up and began charging towards the opposing Emboar while its tentacles glowed light blue.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now