Chapter 44 - Celebrations

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With Leon and Sonia at the Hammerlocke Pokemon Centre:

"Nurse Joy, how's my Pokemon doing?" asked the Galar Champion.

"So far they're doing well. It will take a little more time for them to fully recover," replied Nurse Joy. Seconds later, Ash and his entire group of friends entered the facility, which was then followed by the 7 traitors, who immediately went to Nurse Joy and asked her to tend to their Pokemon.

"Not a problem," said Nurse Joy as she took their PokeBalls. Before heading off into her working room, she was approached by Ash.

"Nurse Joy, is Pikachu alright?" asked the raven-haired trainer.

"Yep, it's not far from full recovery," answered Nurse Joy whilst giving her a brief smile.

"Brilliant, thank you very much," said Ash. "And before you head off, could all of us book the accommodation rooms?" added the raven-haired trainer and after counting the number of people in his group, she handed them several keys for them to decide amongst who will be staying with who. 

"Alright, you lot," said Ash once the keys to Rooms 10 and 11 were given to the traitors. "Pick a room and that's where you will be until tomorrow. And don't think about running away," said the raven haired trainer and the traitors nodded without saying anything before heading off to one of the rooms.

After the traitors headed off to their selected rooms, Leon then turned to Ash. "So what have you decided to do with them?" asked the Galarian Champion.

"Misty has been stripped of her job as the Cerulean City Gym Leader, in which the duration and the person taking over will be decided by the Pokemon Inspection Agency. May, Drew and Kenny have been banned from participating in Pokemon Contests for 10 years whilst their titles as top coordinator have been revoked. Trip and Calem have been banned from challenging gyms and entering Pokemon Leagues for 10 years and Iris is expected to be at the Dragon Village in Unova, which is her hometown, and I will be contacting the Elder there so she can decide on what to do with her," answered Ash.

"What happens if they are caught violating these punishments?" asked Leon.

"The ban will change from being temporary to permanent and their Pokemon will be confiscated for good, so hopefully that will be enough to discourage them from doing so," answered Ash.

"Seems like you've got this organised really well. So what's the plan for you and everyone else?" asked Leon.

"We plan to celebrate my victory tonight before we head off to our home regions tomorrow, including the traitors, who will be kept an eye on by, namely Misty with Brock, May and Drew with Max and Harrison, Kenny with Dawn, Iris with Cilan and Trip with Stephan," answered Ash.

"I see. Have you got any plans on how and where you're gonna celebrate your victory?" asked Leon.

"Unfortunately, I still haven't got a clue. I was planning to invite you, Sonia and Professor Magnolia as well. Have you got any ideas or suggestions?" said Ash.

"There's is actually a buffet close by, it's really good. I eat there quite often. Since you're inviting the three of us as well, I'll shout," said Leon.

"No, let's make it fair for both of us by paying half the amount for everyone here," said Ash.

"Alright you win," said Leon laughing.

"Ash, are you sure about this? You don't need to pay for us and we have enough money to pay ourselves," said Professor Kukui.

"No, I strongly insist. You guys played a big role in helping us putting an end to the Darkest Day whilst supporting me in the Masters Eight Tournament, so consider this my way of expressing my gratitude," said Ash.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now