Chapter 28 - Ash's 8th Galar Gym Battle

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With Ash and his friends at the entrance of Hammerlocke Stadium the day after Trip and Calem defeated Raihan:

"Last gym battle of the region," said Gary.

"Wonder what type Raihan specializes in," said Max.

"We're about to find out," said Clemont and the group entered the facility.

"Ah, Ash Ketchum. I've been waiting for you," said a voice from across the area and the group turned to where it came from. Seconds later, a figure wearing a dark navy and light brown jacket, blue shorts and a pair of shoes the same colour as his jacket approached the group.

"You must be Raihan, am I correct?" asked Ash.

"That is me indeed. Leon has told me about your battle with him. I'm looking forward to battling you, especially with your status as the Champion of Alola and Pokemon Master," said Raihan.

"Same here. Piers has told me your high skills as a Pokemon trainer and Gym Leader, so I'm curious to see what your battle style is like," said Ash.

"Then without further ado, let's get this started. Are you okay with this battle being a double battle with both sides using 4 Pokemon each?" asked Raihan.

"No problem. I'm happy to have it your way," replied Ash.

"Brilliant. Let's begin," said Raihan as he and Ash made their way to either side of the battlefield while the rest of the group sat in the spectating area.

"This will be an official double battle between the challenger Ash Ketchum and the gym leader Raihan. Both sides are allowed to use 4 Pokemon each and only the challenger can substitute his Pokemon. The battle will be over when all of either side's Pokemon are knocked out. Can both sides please send out their first two Pokemon?" requested the referee.

"Gigalith and Flygon, let's begin," said Raihan as he sent out the Compressed Pokemon and the Mystic Pokemon into the battlefield. Seconds later, a sandstorm began to engulf the battlefield.

"Gigalith and Flygon? There is no common typing between these two Pokemon," said Serena.

"Guess we'll have to ask Raihan after the battle on what type he specializes in," said Lillie.

"Bear in mind that this does sometimes occur," said Dawn and the rest of the group except for Brock turned to her in questioning.

"When Dawn and I journed with Ash in Sinnoh, the 7th gym leader, Candice despite being a ice-type specialist, used a Medicham in her battle against Ash," said Brock.

"Interesting pairing," Ash thought to himself. "Feraligatr and Staraptor, I choose you," said the raven-haired trainer as he sent out the Big Jaw Pokemon and the Predator Pokemon into the battlefield.

"Battle begin," said the referee.

"Ash, you can go first," said Raihan.

"Alright, then. Feraligatr, use Dragon Dance. Staraptor, use Tailwind," said Ash as the Big Jaw Pokemon's body was covered in a red aura whilst starting to dance and the Predator Pokemon created a gust of wind on its side of the battlefield, double both Pokemon's speed for the next three turns.

"Flygon, use Breaking Swipe on Feraligatr. Gigalith, use Stone Edge on Staraptor," said Raihan as the Mystic Pokemon's tailed glowed purple while diving towards the Big Jaw Pokemon while the Compressed Pokemon created two rings of sharp stones and fired it at the Staraptor.

However, both of Ash's Pokemon, thanks to the Tailwind, managed to dodge the attack, with the additional boost of Dragon Dance for Feraliagatr.

"Flygon, use Ice Punch on Flygon. Staraptor, use Close Combat on Gigalith," said Ash as the Big Jaw Pokemon began charging towards the opposing Mystic Pokemon whilst one of its claws glowed light blue and the Predator Pokemon began flying towards the opposing Compressed Pokemon.

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