Chapter 7 - An Unpleasant Surprise

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A few days after Ash's battle against Leon, in Turffield Town:

"Alright here we are," said Ash as he, Gary, Goh and Chloe arrived at the Pokemon Centre and approached Nurse Joy.

"Hi Nurse Joy. Could you register me in the World Coronation Series tournament?" said Ash.

"Sure thing. Just you, not the other three?" asked Nurse Joy.

"Yep. Just me," replied Ash.

"Alright then, could I get your Pokedex then?" asked Nurse Joy.

"Sure thing," said Ash as he handed the Nanodex, surprising Nurse Joy.

"What is that? I've never seen anything like this before," said Nurse Joy.

"Oh, that's a Nanodex. Aside from having the same functions as a Pokedex, it also allows storage of a unlimited number of Pokemon and also allows phone calls," said Ash.

"Wow, so advanced. Where did you get it from?" asked Nurse Joy.

"From Professor Oak. My friends here with me," said Ash gesturing at Gary, Goh and Chloe, "also has one as well."

"So does that mean you're from Kanto?" asked Nurse Joy.

"That's correct," said Ash.

"Alright, I'll register you. Give me a moment," said Nurse Joy and as she checked the details of Ash in the Nanodex, she became shocked once more.

"Wait. Ash Ketchum? The Champion of Alola and Pokemon Master?" said Nurse Joy in shock.

"That's me indeed," said Ash.

"How come you're registering in this tournament if you're a regional champion?" asked Nurse Joy in curiosity as she began registering Ash.

"Well, Leon actually recommended me to participate in this tournament," answered Ash.

"The Champion himself? That's impressive. Did you ended up battling him?" asked Nurse Joy.

"Yes, I did. Unfortunately I lost, but the loss makes me stronger than before and Leon promised me a rematch when I reach the Master Class. Leon said his battle with me was one of the best ones he's had in his lifetime," said Ash.

"I can guarantee that you're going to reach Master Class very quickly, seeing how Leon spoke so highly of you," said Nurse Joy.

"Hahaha thanks Nurse Joy," said Ash.

"Alright, your registration is done. Owing to the fact that you're a regional Champion and a Pokemon Master despite being a new participant in this tournament, you are automatically given the Rank 1000, the top rank in the Normal Class," said Nurse Joy as she handed the Nanodex back to Ash.

"That's one convenient shortcut. Thanks again, Nurse Joy," said Ash as he took the Nanodex.

"So what now?" asked Chloe.

"We challenge the gym," said Ash.

"Alright let's get going," said Goh as the four of them began heading out of the Pokemon Centre.

However, as they approached the entrance/exit of the Pokemon Centre, they came across a group of people that did not expect to meet, causing Ash and Gary to react in cold fury.

"What are you lot doing here?" demanded Gary.

"Well well well, look who we have here," said Trip.

"Ketchup and his little pathetic gang of four," sneered Calem causing Goh and Chloe to glare at him.

"I certainly did not expect you lot to be here in Galar. What are you up to now?" asked Ash in a cold voice.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now