Chapter 29 - Final Plans

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With the traitors at the Wyndon City Pokemon Centre accommodation a few days after defeating Raihan:

"Trip, there's something that I've been wondering," said Calem.

"What is it?" asked Trip.

"We haven't really decided on whether we should challenge Ash and defeat him before or during the final set of battles between the Master Class trainers," said Calem.

"That's true. What do you reckon then?" asked Trip.

"I haven't really decided at this point. What about you?" asked Calem.

"Hmm," said Trip after a moment of consideration. "I think we should ask Rose for some advice."

"That's a good idea," said Calem as he began to contact Rose through his phone.

"What's up Calem?" asked Rose.

"Hi Rose. We're currently at the Wyndon City Pokemon Centre Accommodation and there's something that Trip and I had been thinking for a while now," said Calem.

"Hmm, what might that be?" asked Rose.

"Trip and I are deciding whether we should take on Ash before or during the battles between the Master Class members, and we wanted to ask you for any suggestions," said Calem.

"Interesting. That's a good question," said Rose and after a short moment of thinking, he came to a decision. "Considering that the battles between the Master Class members are just 1 VS 1, save it during the battles."

"Sure thing. However, assuming the worst that both of us do get knocked out before the final battle, are we still going to continue with the plan you made regarding Dynamax and Gigantamax?" asked Calem.

"Yes. Should both of you do get knocked out before the final battle, meet us at the Energy Plant immediately after your last battle. In the case where both of you manage to face each other at the finals, which is what I prefer of course, we'll conduct the plan to revive Eternatus right after the ceremony is over. If the last scenario I mentioned does occur, I will send a few of my Macro Cosmos employees over to keep me updated when it will finish, without their usual uniform of course," said Rose.

"Sounds like you've got it all planned," said Calem.

"Indeed. Anything else you wish to ask me?" asked Rose.

"So far, aside from that, nope. Thanks Rose," said Calem.

"No worries. Talk to you later," said Rose as he ended the call.

"Rose really has got this organized really well," said Misty.

"Yep, and aside from Trip and Calem winning Master Class battles, there's also the unlimited energy source that Rose will initiate soon," added Kenny.

"This is going to be fabulous, can't wait to put an end to that little kid, by the name of Ash Ketchum," said Iris.

"And finish him and his friends once and for all," concluded Drew.

With Ash and his friends at the Hammerlocke City Pokemon Centre, a day after defeating Raihan:

"So Ash, where are we supposed to go now that you've collected all 8 gym badges in this region?" asked Gary.

"That's a good question. I'll have to ask Leon for some advice on what to do next," said Ash as he turned on his Nanodex and began to contact Leon. A few seconds later, the Galar Champion appeared on a hologram.

"What's up, Ash? What have you been up to recently?" asked Leon.

"Hi Leon. Recently, I just got all 8 gym badges after defeating Raihan, but at this point, I'm not sure where to go next, so I wanted to ask you for advice," said Ash.

"So you finally got all badges? Congratulations, first off. And I apologize for not telling you earlier, but at the end of the current season, the final set of battles between the 8 Master Class members will be held at Wyndon Stadium, where the city is located in the northernmost part of this region, which can be reached by catching a train from either of these following stations: Wedgehurst, Wild Area, Motostoke, Hulbury, Hammerlocke, White Hill, Armor or Crown Tundra," said Leon.

"Thanks Leon, no need to apologize," said Ash.

"However, since the final set of battles between the Master Class is still a while away, I've got an idea that all of you should do whilst making your way up to the Master Class," said Leon.

"What might that be?" asked Goh.

"Assuming you guys already know the story behind the Darkest Day, I'm sure you would know about Eternatus, Zacian and Zamazenta?" said Leon.

"Actually, we don't," said everyone except for Ash, Gary, Chloe and Gary. 

"Oh right, it was only the four of us that Sonia and Professor Magnolia told in terms of the story behind the Darkest Day," said Chloe.

"That explains it. Ash, Gary, Goh and Chloe, do you mind if I explain the story behind the Darkest Day and the phenomenon behind Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing to the rest of your friends?" asked Leon.

"Go ahead," said the four of them.

"So 3000 years ago, a legendary Pokemon named Eternatus from outer space attempted to stay alive by absorbing Galar's energy, causing a red light to appear. This was known as the Darkest Day, and it resulted in a black storm, causing many Pokemon to Dynamax and Gigantamax, eventually going berserk in the process and almost destroying the region," started Leon.

"Sounds crazy, yet terrifying at the same time," said Clemont.

"It certainly is. However, Eternatus was defeated by two other Legendary Pokemon, named Zacian and Zamazenta, causing Eternatus' energy to leak out and create Power Spots, which are spread throughout the Galar region and is the only possible location of Dynamaxing and Gigantamaxing. On a side note, Eternatus is the only Pokemon capable of Eternamaxing," continued Leon.

"Very interesting story," commented Brock.

"Yep, so now that the rest of you know the story behind these two things, Sonia and I will take you lot to this place called the Slumbering Weald," said Leon.

"What for?" asked Lillie.

"You'll see soon enough. At the moment, I don't want to spoil the fun," answered Leon. "By the way, where are you guys now?"

"We're still at Hammerlocke City since we initially did not know where to go next," said Serena.

"No problem. Is it okay if you guys stay there for another night and Sonia and I will meet you lot tomorrow morning after breakfast?" suggested Leon.

"Sure thing," replied Ash and his friends.

"Brilliant. I'll contact Sonia immediately and meet you guys tomorrow morning then," said Leon.

"All good, thanks Leon. See you tomorrow," said Ash.

"And to you guys too," concluded Leon and his hologram on the raven-haired trainer's Nanodex disappeared a few seconds later.

"Ash, isn't Leon in charge of the World Coronation Series? Since he wants you to battle him in the end, you can get him to arrange the Master Class battles whenever you manage to reach the Top 8 rankings, so basically to your flexibility and convenience," said Dawn.

"That's a great idea, Dawn. I'll definitely ask him that tomorrow when we meet him then," said the raven-haired trainer.

Author's Note:

Note that even though all of Ash's friends have taken part of Dynamax Battles in Chapter 26, they were never told the story behind the Darkest Day as well as the Dynamax and Gigantamax phenomenon by Ash, Gary, Goh or Chloe until this chapter during Leon's explanation.

Hopefully that clears up any potential confusion caused.

Peace out,


Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now