Chapter 12 - Rose & Oleana

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At the Energy Plant located below Hammerlocke Stadium:

"How's the progress going?" asked Rose as he entered the facility.

"So far so good," replied Oleana.

"Excellent. I have some important news to tell you," said Rose.

"Hmm, what is it?" asked Oleana.

"Recently, Leon told me about how he battled a trainer named Ash Ketchum and narrowly won against him," said Rose.

"Narrowly won against him? Sounds like a tough trainer," commented Oleana.

"Indeed, so I did a bit of online research on him, and it turned out that he is the Champion of Alola and was also given the title of Pokemon Master," added Rose.

"Dang, that's some accomplishments there. Anything else you find about him?" asked Oleana.

"Well it turned out that Ash won this event called the Global Pokemon Battle Tournament which was held in Alola a year ago and was given the chance to battle all regional champions, except for Leon of course. He won against all of them, thus earning the Pokemon Master title," said Rose.

"Interesting. Do you think he could be a threat to what we are currently trying to achieve?" asked Oleana.

"Well since Leon had invited him to compete in the World Coronation Series, he could be a potential threat to us," replied Rose. "If Leon found out what we are up to, he is more than likely to stop us. It wouldn't surprise me if this Ash Ketchum trainer joins him."

"Is there anything we can do about this?" asked Oleana.

"I did some more research about Ash Ketchum's past prior to competing in the Global Pokemon Battle Tournament. It turns out he has competed in every regional league, but hasn't won a single one until becoming the Champion of Alola through other methods.

Ash was betrayed by some of his previous rivals and travelling companions after becoming 2nd in the Kalos League, believing that he wasn't fit to be a trainer due to not winning any mainstream Pokemon Leagues. He and his loyal friends eventually crushed the traitors in the tournament," said Rose.

"Who are these traitors that turned against Ash?" asked Oleana.

"Their names are Misty, May, Drew, Kenny, Trip, Iris and Calem. Even though they might have lost the tournament, I would think that they can still be useful to us especially when you take into account that both of us view Ash as an enemy," answered Rose.

"Wonder what they are doing now," said Oleana.

"I was thinking whether it was possible that they're now here in the Galar region," said Rose.

"What makes you think that?" asked Oleana.

"Well the traitors come from every region except for Johto and Alola, and since there's no point of them staying in these two regions aside from their home regions after their defeat in the tournament, it's possible that they're going to be here in Galar," answered Rose.

"In that case, where could they possibly be now?" asked Oleana.

"We'll have to first check if they actually are in Galar," said Rose.

"Then how are we going to figure out?" asked Oleana.

"Well since Ash is competing in the World Coronation Series, it is possible that the traitors will be competing too, so I can check the list of competitors to see if they are on it," said Leon as he turned on his phone and checked the participants, which revealed that Trip and Calem are competing.

"There you go, two of them are competing in the tournament," said Leon.

"Now that it is confirmed that the traitors are here in Galar, how do we figure out their whereabouts?" asked Oleana.

"We'll send four of our staff to every other town/city in this region to locate where they are. They will be given a photo of the traitors for easy identification.

"So when are we going to look for them?" asked Oleana.

"In two days," said Rose.

The next morning:

"Alright, everybody, listen up," said Rose in front of his 100 Macro Cosmos employees in the Energy Plant.

"At the moment, we have came across a person who could be a potential threat to us," said Rose.

"Who is it?" asked Employee 1.

"It's a trainer named Ash Ketchum. Does that name ring a bell to any of you?" asked Rose and all 100 hundred employees shook their heads.

"Alright then, he is the Champion of Alola and the Title of Pokemon Master," said Rose.

"Impressive, that's some big titles there," said Employee 2.

"I would say so too, if it wasn't for the potential threat he holds against us," said Rose.

"What's the threat?" asked Employee 3.

"Recently he was invited by Leon to compete in the World Coronation Series. Sooner or later, when we carry out our plan, Leon is bound to find out and he will most likely have Ash Ketchum on his side to try and stop us," said Rose.

"However. We do have some potential allies," said Oleana.

"Who?" asked Employee 4.

"Those following people," said Oleana as she turned on a big electronic screen board which showed a photo of Misty, May, Drew, Kenny, Trip, Iris and Calem.

"These people are enemies of Ash Ketchum and after doing a bit of research, it turns out that two of them," said Oleana while pointing to Trip and Calem, "are also competing in the World Coronation Series."

"So right now, they're here somewhere in the Galar region, but we're not sure which area, so later on, since there are 10 other towns/cities, I'll assign 4 staff later today for every other location. Once you find them, introduce yourselves and explain this task you're set to do. Upon completion of that, crush Ash Ketchum and his friends, if he has any. When one of the group of four is set to meet the traitors, the rest of you lot for this task will return here. This is due to begin tomorrow. Is that understood?" asked Rose and the 100 staff nodded.

"Good. Later on today, I'll speak to some of you about this task. Dismissed," said Rose as the staff headed off to do their usual duties.

"So what exactly do you plan to get our employees accompanied by the traitors to do to Ash?" asked Oleana.

"Well since we and traitors outnumber number them, we try to defeat them in a Pokemon battle," said Rose.

"That's not going to be easy, especially when you take into account that he is most likely to be accompanied by his travelling companions," said Oleana.

"That's true, but there are 11 people on his side, and I doubt that this Ash Ketchum guy would have this many people travelling with him, so we have the upper hand," said Rose.

"Hopefully that works out," said Oleana.

"Even if we do lose, we can try to analyze Ash's battling skills and improve ourselves in the future when dealing with him," said Rose.

"How are you going to analyze Ash's battling skills?" asked Oleana.

"We give each team a recording device to film the battle when dealing with them," replied Rose.

"Fair enough," said Oleana.

"We're not far from our current goals and objectives, and I will not let anybody stop us," said Rose.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now