Chapter 3 - Meeting New Friends

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At the entrance of Cerise Laboratory in Vermilion City:

"They should be here any minute," said Professor Cerise, who was accompanied with Chloe, his daughter, and Goh, Chloe's childhood friend.

"Who are we waiting for?" asked Chloe.

"Professor Oak and two other people that I'd like to meet. I'm sure the two of you would like to see them too," replied Professor Cerise.

"I think I see something approaching," said Goh, pointing in a southwesterly direction and the other two turned to where he was pointing, only to see three Pokemon, Dragonite, Garchomp and Fearow, getting closer each carrying a trainer.

About half a minute later, the three Pokemon landed directly in front of Professor Cerise, Chloe and Goh.

"Ah, Professor Oak, I've been waiting for you. Good to see you," said Professor Cerise.

"Great seeing you too, Professor Cerise. Ash & Gary, this is the Professor I said that was in contact with," said Professor Oak as the three of them hopped off their Pokemon and recalled them.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Professor Cerise," said Ash and Gary.

"The pleasure is all mine, Champion of Alola & Pokemon Master and the grandson of Professor Oak," replied Professor Cerise, shocking Chloe and Goh.

"Wait what?" asked Chloe in surprise.

"Champion of Alola & Pokemon Master?" said Goh.

"That's right. Ash is the current and also the very first Champion of Alola as well as being the Pokemon Master, earning these titles for just over a year while Gary is the grandson of Professor Oak," said Professor Cerise. "Ash & Gary, this is my daughter, Chloe, and Goh, who is Chloe's childhood friend."

"Hi there, nice to meet you," said Ash & Gary.

"Nice to meet you too," said Chloe & Goh.

"Why don't we all come into the Cerise Park and the four of you get to know each other while Professor Oak and I shall prepare some afternoon tea?" suggested Professor Cerise. "Once the afternoon tea is ready, we can discuss what I wanted to talk about."

"Sounds like a good idea," said Gary.

"Alright then, follow me," said Goh as he and Chloe led Ash & Gary to a massive area that contained a few ponds, mountainous terrains and trees, where many Pokemon were living.

"What a beautiful place, reminds me of Professor Sycamore's lab in Kalos," said Ash.

"So Ash, as the Champion of Alola and the Pokemon Master, you would have had a lot of experience in Pokemon battling. Have you competed in leagues from any other regions beforehand?" asked Goh as the four of them sat down in an empty space.

"As a matter of fact, I have competed in the Leagues in every other region, where I reached Top 16 in the Kanto League, Top 8 in the Johto, Hoenn and Unova Leagues, Top 4 in the Sinnoh League and Runner-Up in the Kalos League. Additionally, I am one of the champions of the Orange League and have also conquered the Battle Frontier, where I was offered the position as Frontier Brain, but I declined since I wanted to continue travelling in other regions," answered Ash.

"Note that Ash didn't become Champion via competing in the Alola League," said Gary.

"Then how did he earn the title?" asked Goh.

"In Alola, there are no Pokemon gyms. Instead, in each of the four islands of Alola, there are a set of island trials to complete, which is mainly defeating Totem Pokemon and their Ally Pokemon. There is also grand trials that must be completed afterwards, which involves defeating the Island Kahuna. Once the island trials and the grand trials from all four islands are complete, I battled the Elite Four and defeated all of them, eventually becoming the champion of Alola," said Ash. 

"However, it should be noted that before taking on the Elite Four, one of them, Olivia, was also the Island Kahuna while Acerola is one of the trial captains and since Ash defeated Olivia in a battle while completing Acerola's trial impressively, he only needed to defeat the other two members, namely Molayne and Kahili," added Gary.

"Wow, that's a lot of achievements made," said Chloe. 

"Indeed, but there was one unfortunate event that surprisingly changed Ash's life in a positive way, which also contributed to him becoming the Pokemon Master aside from being the Champion of Alola," said Gary.

"And what might that be?" asked Goh.

"This dates back to after I came back to Kanto after earning second place in the Kalos League. When I got home, the majority of my former rivals and travelling companions were waiting for me. Some of them told me to give up on my dream of becoming a Pokemon Master because I haven't won any mainstream Pokemon Leagues," said Ash, shocking Goh and Chloe.

"Seriously, that's just low life behaviour," said Chloe in disgust.

"Indeed. After the betrayal, I informed Professor Oak and Gary about what happened. Thankfully, they were on my side and gave me an amazing technological device, called a Nanodex, which allows storage of an unlimited number of Pokemon, make phone calls and has the exact same functions as a PokeDex. Eventually, I flew to Mount Silver and faked my death," said Ash.

"You faked your death? Why?" asked Goh.

"Because I didn't want any attention from the outside world," replied Ash. "And after living in Mount Silver for 2 years, I was given a letter from Charles Goodshow and Scott, who is the president of the Pokemon League Competition Committee and the owner of the Battle Frontier respectively, in which they invited me to compete in the Global Pokemon Battle Tournament, held 2 years later in Alola. My previous travelling companions and former rivals were also invited as well. From the time I went to Alola until one of my matches in the tournament, I disguised myself as Red, the fake brother of Ash Ketchum. While staying in Alola, I befriended Professor Kukui, Principal Oak and his five students. Only them, the Alola Elite Four, the Island Kahunas and the Trial Captains knew of my true identity back then."

"Before the tournament started, that was when Ash completed the Island Trials, the Grand Trials and defeating the Elite Four, eventually becoming the Alola Champion since they did not have a regional champion beforehand," said Gary.

"Eventually I defeated all of my opponents including the majority of the rivals I lost to in the other regional leagues, winning the tournament. I was then given the opportunity to battle the regional champions, namely Lance from Kanto & Johto, Steven from Hoenn, Cynthia from Sinnoh, Alder from Unova and Diantha from Kalos, defeating them as well, leading me to earn the Pokemon Master Title," said Ash.

"Did you battle the traitors by any chance?" asked Goh.

"I did, but not in the tournament. Instead, there was an occasion before the tournament where they were harassing two of my loyal friends, Dawn & Serena. So I confronted the traitors and defeated them one by one, forcing them to leave the two girls alone, replied Ash.

"Guess they didn't stand a chance against you," said Chloe.

"Correct, they never did," said Ash.

"Wow, you've through a lot, Ash," said Goh.

"He has indeed, but on the bright side, Ash has finally achieved his goals," said Gary.

"Ash, Gary, Goh and Chloe, afternoon tea is ready," said Professor Cerise and Professor Oak.

"Alright let's go see what Professor Cerise and gramps have in store for us," said Gary as the four of them got up and headed to the dining room.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now