Chapter 27 - Not Far from Completion

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With the traitors at Hammerlocke City:

"Alright, that's all gym badges acquired," said Trip as he and the rest of the group made their way out of Hammerlocke stadium.

"Congrats to you and Calem," said Iris.

"Thanks, Iris," said Trip.

"So now that leaves us to make our way to the Master Class," said Calem.

"Pretty much," said Trip.

"So how are they going to arrange the battles in the final part of the World Coronation Series?" asked Kenny.

"From my understanding, there will be an announcement regarding an event that will be held, where there will be battles exclusively between the Master Class members, where the one who wins all battles in this event becomes announced as the world's strongest trainer. So far, there hasn't been any decisions made in terms of when it will be held, but it will be at Wyndon stadium," said Calem.

"Brilliant. That gives the two of you some time to get your rankings up," said Misty.

"Yep, and I bet Ash won't be able to make it to the Master Class by the time this event will be held," sneered Drew.

"Such a little kid," said Iris.

"Even with his title as Pokemon Master and Champion of Alola, the two of you will be able to surpass him if you manage to win this tournament," said May.

"Exactly," said Trip.

"So what shall we do now?" asked Iris.

"Why don't we pay a visit to Rose at the Energy Plant since it is right below the Hammerlocke Stadium?" suggested May.

"That's a good idea," said Kenny and the rest nodded in agreement.

"We're not going to tell them about my battle with Ash right?" asked Iris in a slightly nervous tone.

"Nah, it won't be necessary," said Trip.

"Alright, let's go then," said Calem as they headed to the facility located under Hammerlocke Stadium.

With Rose and Oleana at the Energy Plant:

"Hmm, I wonder how Trip and Calem's gym challenges are going," said Rose.

"I'm sure they're almost finished with it," said Oleana.

A few seconds later, one of the Macro Cosmos employees approached the two of them.

"Rose, we've got Trip and the rest of the group at the entrance of the Energy Plant," said the employee.

"How convenient. Let them in," said Rose.

"Understood," said the employee as he went to the entrance and less than a minute later, the traitors entered the main room where Rose and Oleana were located.

"Ah, nice to see you lot pay us a visit," said Rose.

"So what brings you guys here?" asked Oleana.

"Trip and I have just defeated Raihan, meaning that we've collected all 8 gym badges," said Calem.

"Wow, congratulations. So that means you guys just need to make your way to the Master Class before the battles between the Top 8 Trainers are held," said Oleana.

"Pretty much," said Trip.

"How's your part of your plan going? asked Kenny.

"I'll show you," said Rose as he and Oleana led the traitors to another room that was notably bigger in size. In the middle was a large containment that held a Pokemon that looked like a purple and red skeleton.

"What Pokemon is that?" asked May.

"That's Eternatus, the Pokemon I've told you about in regards to the Darkest Day," replied Rose.

"How did you guys manage to get your hands on this powerful Legendary Pokemon?" asked Drew.

"During the last Darkest Day incident, Eternatus was stopped by Rose, Leon and Professor Magnolia and we've decided to seal it here," answered Oleana.

"Does either of them know about your true intentions?" asked Misty.

"Specifically no. However, after Professor Magnolia and I have created the Dynamax Band, I had other intentions for Dynamax and Gigantamax, causing her to end our partnership. I don't think they are aware of what I truly plan to use it for at this point, as far as I'm concerned," said Rose.

"At this point, we're not far from completion of collecting the Galar particles and plan to provide this region with an infinite amount of energy," said Oleana.

"When do you plan to revive Eternatus?" asked Trip.

"That is yet to be decided. However, when we have made a choice on when it will occur, you guys will be informed immediately," said Rose.

"Sounds great. The idea of having an unlimited amount of energy source sounds very appealing," said Kenny.

"Indeed. I'm glad that you guys are with us in this matter," said Oleana.

"At this point, is there anything you want us to do?" asked Misty.

"Not really, but if there is something going on which needs you lot, we'll keep you updated," replied Rose.

"In the meantime," added Oleana, who then turned to Trip and Calem, "just continue your progress to the Master Class and win the tournament."

"You bet," said the two participants.

Author's Note:

At this point, in terms of the World Coronation Series in the anime, there hasn't been any specified arrangement regarding how the battles between the 8 Master Class members will be held, as there was only 2 battles seen during the previous season, between Leon & Lance, then Leon & Raihan. 

Due to the final battles between the Master Class members in the current season yet to be shown, which will take a long time to reach as there have only been 71 episodes released so far, parts of the structure that Calem explained belongs to my idea, such as the elimination mechanics that goes from 8 to 4, 4 to 2 and 2 to 1. However, it is more than likely that the anime will also use this method.

Sorry for the rather short chapter in advance.


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