Chapter 39 - The Fight Starts

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With the traitors, Rose and Oleana, accompanied with Eternatus, which started entering its Eternamax form:

"Was that a Gigantamax Pikachu I saw from a far distance a few moments ago?" asked Rose, pointing to the direction of Wyndon stadium a notable distance away.

"Yes, it was a Pikachu in its Gigantamax form, and I am more than willing to bet that it belongs to Ash," said Misty.

"Too bad it's Giganatmax move didn't overpower whatever move was used by Eternatus. What a kid," sneered Iris.

"What move was that, by the way?" asked May.

"That was Eternabeam, which is the strongest dragon type Pokemon attack in existence, excluding Z-moves. Just like Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Giga Impact and Hyper Beam, it causes the user to recharge the next turn," answered Rose.

"The only difference Eternabeam has a power of 160 whilst the other mentioned moves have a power of 150," added Oleana.

"Is that move causing Eternatus to transform right now?" asked Drew.

"Yep. Eternatus can transform into its Eternamax form when it uses Eternabeam or when it absorbs a large amount of Galar particles at once," answered Oleana.

"This is incredible. Now we have a Pokemon that can not only defeat Ketchup's Pokemon, but also the friends of his," said Calem.

"Now that makes it a perfect payback after your loss at the World Coronation Series," said Kenny.

With Ash, Leon and the twelve others, not far from Hammerlocke City a while after departing Wyndon Stadium:

"Looks like the Eternatus is at the Hammerlocke Stadium," said Leon.

"But how did it end up there in the first place?" asked Ash.

"Good question, let's keep going forward to find out," said Gary.

"We need to be careful though, as Eternatus can easily fire its attacks at us," said Dawn.

A few minutes later, the twelve of them with their flying Pokemon were able to get a slightly closer view of Eternatus at the Hammerlocke Stadium, with a few familiar figures next to it.

"Wait, isn't that the traitors and Rose, along with whoever that lady is?" exclaimed Goh.

"Definitely appears to be the case," said Ash.

"It can't be," said Leon in shock and a short moment later, the Gigantic Pokemon saw the twelve of them and fired a Sludge Bomb.

"Everyone careful," said Sawyer as the twelve of them managed to evade the Sludge Bomb without being hit.

"It's too risky for us to try and get close to Eternatus any closer. Let's head to the Hammerlocke City Pokemon Centre to meet the rest of the group," said Paul.

"Agreed," said the other eleven and began flying away from Hammerlocke and descended at the entrance of the Pokemon Centre about a minute later, entering the facility.

"Nurse Joy, could you heal my Pikachu?" requested Ash as he approached the desk where she was located.

"Not a problem," said Ash as Nurse Joy took Pikachu into the healing area.

Immediately upon landing, Leon turned on his phone and started a call.

"Hello, is this Leon I'm speaking to?" asked a female voice.

"Sonia, it's me. There needs to be a change of plans," said Leon.

"Oh why is that?" asked Sonia.

"After I called you, a multitude of Galar particles began to shower down onto Wyndon stadium, which one of them hit Ash's Pikachu, causing it to Gigantamax and point to a figure in the far distance, which turned out to be Eternatus as expected, from the direction of Hammerlocke City, so we will need to meet up at the Pokemon Centre there," explained Leon.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now