Chapter 6 - A Battling Exchange Between Two Champions

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At the backyard of Professor Magnolia's Research Lab:

"Alright, everybody come on out," said Ash as he sent out all of his Pokemon, except for his 30 Tauros that is kept at Professor Oak's laboratory.

"Oh my, that's a very diverse range of Pokemon," said Professor Magnolia.

"Aside from these Pokemon shown here, I have another 30 Tauros that is currently kept at Professor Oak's laboratory," said Ash.

"Wow, must be a handful," said Sonia. "Ash, I just thought of something. There is someone I'd like you to meet."

"Who is it?" asked Ash.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just give me some time and depending on where he is, it might take a while for him to show up here," said Sonia as she went inside the laboratory.

"Professor Magnolia, do you know who Sonia is talking about by any chance?" asked Gary.

"Yes, I do, you'll see for yourself soon enough," replied Professor Magnolia.

About 2 minutes later, Sonia came out of the laboratory.

"Alright, I have just contacted him and he said he'll be here in around 15 minutes," said Sonia.

"Wonderful. In the meantime, Ash, do you mind demonstrating your battling skills with Gary? I would like to see how you battle as the Champion of Alola and the Pokemon Master," said Professor Magnolia.

"Sure, I'm down for a Pokemon battle. What about you?" said Ash.

"Count me in," replied Gary.

"Excellent, you two can battle there," said Professor Magnolia, pointing to an empty battlefield several metres away from them.

"Alright, Ash, let's get started. Blastoise, I choose you," said Gary as he sent out the Shellfish Pokemon into the battlefield.

"Starting off with Blastoise huh. In that case, Charizard, you're up," said Ash as the Flame Pokemon emerged from the crowd of the raven-haired trainer's Pokemon.

"Ash and Gary. Mind if I referee?" asked Sonia.

"Not a problem. Go ahead," replied Ash and Gary.

"This will be an unofficial 1 on 1 Pokemon battle between Ash and Gary. Substitutions are not allowed and the battle will be over when either side's Pokemon is unable to battle. Battle begin," said Sonia.

"Gary you may have the first move," said Ash.

"As you wish. Blastoise, use Hydro Pump," ordered Gary as the Shellfish Pokemon fired a powerful jet of water towards Charizard.

"Counter it with Air Slash," commanded Ash, but instead of firing several sharp slashes of air, the Flame Pokemon flapped its wings, creating an extremely powerful gust of wind, overpowering Hydro Pump and scoring a direct hit on Blastoise, dealing effective damage.

"What move did Ash's Charizard just learn?" asked Chloe.

"That was Hurricane," replied Goh.

"Well Ash, I never expected your Charizard to learn a new move at this time. In that case, shall we take this to another level?" said Gary as he revealed his Key Stone.

"I thought you'd never ask," said Ash as he did the same thing.

"Charizard/Blastoise. Mega Evolve," said Ash/Gary as a white beam of energy began to envelop between their Key Stones and their Pokemon.
A short moment later, both Pokemon had finished changing to their Mega Evolved forms and a harsh beam of sunlight began to cover the battlefield.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now