Chapter 13 - A New Alliance Formed

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A day after the devised plan, in Motostoke City, outside Motostoke Stadium:

"Alright that's our third gym badge secured, Calem," said Trip.

"Always one step ahead of ketchup, always will be," sneered Calem.

"Proving that he is a little kid as always," said Iris.

"Well let's head to the Pokemon Centre to get your Pokemon Centre healed," said Kenny as the group began heading towards the facility.

For a certain distance nearby:

"That's them," said Employee 1.

"Looks like they're heading to the Pokemon Centre," said Employee 2.

"Alright, I'll report to Rose," said Employee 3 as he turned on his phone and seconds later, a hologram of Rose appeared.

"I trust you have good news?" asked Rose.

"Indeed. We have spotted them in Motostoke City. They appear to be heading to the Pokemon Centre after battling Kabu," said Employee 3.

"Good. It is most likely that they will be in their Pokemon Centre for a while when waiting for their Pokemon to fully heal, so use this as your opportunity to talk to them," said Rose.

"Understood, Rose. If there are any questions I have, I'll let you know," said Employee 3.

"Not a problem. Alright, do not fail us," said Rose.

"Rest assured, we won't," said Employee 3 and Rose nodded in approval before his hologram disappeared.

"Let's go," said Employee 4 as the group of them began making their way to the Pokemon Centre.

At the Pokemon Centre:

"So where's the next gym located?" asked Kenny.

"Let's have a look," said Misty as she looked at the map. "Stow-on-Side Town, it is."

"Guys, a group of people are approaching us," said May and the rest of the traitors turned to where she was pointing at, only to see a group of four wearing a uniform making their way towards them.

"Hello there. We are part of an organization called Macro Cosmos. We believe that you can be a valuable ally to us," said Employee 1.

"And how may that be the case?" asked Iris.

"Does the name Ash Ketchum ring a bell to you?" asked Employee 2.

"Certainly does, he is no friend of ours," said Kenny with a hint of anger.

"Well on the bright side, Macro Cosmos also views him as a threat to us," said Employee 2.

"In what way?" asked Misty.

"Well he could be trying to stop what we are aiming to achieve. As for what that is, we shall explain at a later time," said Employee 3.

"Recently our boss, Rose, has informed us that Ash Ketchum had a battle with the Champion of Galar, Leon, and after a close battle, Ash lost," said Employee 4.

"Lost eh. Typical Ketchup," sneered Calem.

"After the battle, Leon then invited him to compete in the World Coronation Series," said Employee 1.

"Yep, Calem and I are registered as well," said Trip.

"However, at some point in the future, Leon is bound to find out what we're up to and will try to stop us, and it is most likely he will have Ash to help him, which is why we view him as a threat to us," said Employee 2.

"After doing a bit of research, Rose found out about you lot from the Global Pokemon Battle Tournament that was held in Alola a year ago and wants you to join us," said Employee 3.

"But we don't stand a chance against Ash. He's crushed us before," said Drew.

"That was the case before, but we've got eleven people here. How many people is Ash travelling with right now?" asked Employee 4.

"Three other people, and two of them appear to be rookie trainers," said Misty.

"There we go. If we manage to subdue Ash Ketchum and his friends, then Leon will be less of a threat to us," said Employee 1.

"So will you join us in getting rid of Ash Ketchum?" asked Employee 2.

"Count us in. I want to see Ketchup gone once and for all," said Calem and the traitors nodded in agreement.

"Brilliant," said Employee 3 in approval.

"Oh, and before anything else, do you mind telling us what Macro Cosmos is planning to achieve?" asked Kenny.

"Sure thing. I'll first get Rose to talk to you," said Employee 4 as he turned on his phone and called Rose, whose hologram appeared seconds later.

"Ah, Misty, May, Drew, Kenny, Trip, Iris and Calem, nice to meet you all. I believe that introductions are not needed and my staff have explained the situation," said Rose.

"Rose, they have agreed to join us in getting rid of Ash Ketchum and wants to know what we plan to achieve," said Employee 4.

"Of course," said Rose and for the next 15 minutes, he explained the story behind the Darkest Day, his intent on providing Galar region with a vast amount of energy as well as the motive of preventing further tragedies such as when his father was killed in a coal mine collapse.

"Sounds quite ambitious. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your father," said May.

"I appreciate that May. I'm glad to have you guys as my ally," said Rose. "By the way, where is Ash Ketchum now?"

"He's probably on the way here in Motostoke Town to get his 3rd gym," said Kenny.

"Brilliant, I'll leave the rest up to you guys. Make sure to report to me once this task is complete," said Rose.

"Understood," said Employee 4 and the hologram of Rose then disappeared.

"Alright that's the overall plan," said Employee 1.

"Surely we not going to confront Ash in this town? That would cause way too much commotion," said Trip.

"Well since Ash and his friends are making their way here from Hulbury Town, we can go to Galar Mine No.2 to carry out this task.

"That sounds like a great idea," said Calem.

"Now's our chance to get rid of that little kid and his childish friends for good. Let's do this," said Iris and the others nodded in agreement.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now