Chapter 45 - Heading to Pallet Town

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The next morning, with everyone including the traitors at the Pokemon Centre after handing their room keys back to Nurse Joy:

"Leon, have you heard from Officer Jenny on the final fate of Rose, Oleana and the Macro Cosmos Employees?" asked Ash.

"As a matter of fact, I have. After we went back to our cabins from dinner last night, Officer Jenny contacted me and said that all of them have been sentenced to 25 years in prison," answered Leon.

"Great to hear, but what about the Energy Plant?" asked Gary.

"We're gonna leave it as it is, because destroying it would mean that the Hammerlocke Stadium would get negatively affected and it could also be used for other useful purposes," said Sonia.

"That makes sense," said Goh.

"How are we gonna get to Galar Airport since there are so many of us at once and it is a notable distance away?" asked Chloe.

"You don't need to worry about that. We've hired one of the buses in this city to drive all of you to the airport. It will take about 2 hours depending on the traffic," said Leon.

"Brilliant. When will it pick us up?" asked Brock.

"In about half an hour, which will be at 10am," answered Professor Magnolia.

"Are the three of you going to join us and send us off to the Airport?" asked Max.

"Unfortunately, as much as we'd love to, we need to help assist Officer Jenny in cleaning up the mess that was caused by Leon, Oleana, the Macro Cosmos employees and the traitors in the Darkest Day," answered Leon.

"So I guess that's farewell here then," said Dawn.

"Pretty much," said Sonia.

30 minutes later:

"Alright, the bus is here," said Leon as the entire group headed out of the Pokemon Centre towards the side of the road, where the bus was waiting for them.

"Ah Leon. Good to see you here," said the bus driver, who was named Winston.

"Winston, thank you very much for this. Here's the entire group of people that you will be driving to the airport today," said Sonia gesturing to Ash and his group of friends as well as the traitors.

"Well, if it isn't Ash Ketchum, the Pokemon Master and the Champion of Alola. Pleasure to meet you in person. Leon has told me about you. Congratulations on your victory in the Masters Eight Tournament," said Winston.

"Thank you Winston for the kind compliments, and also driving us to the airport," said Ash.

"Pleasure is all mine, it's an honour to be driving you and your friends," replied Winston.

"Great, so can we hop on then?" asked Ash.

"Whenever you guys are ready," answered Winston and gestured for all of them to get on the bus. About a few minutes later, the entire group was all seated where the traitors sat at the back of the bus, separate from Ash and his loyal friends and rivals.

"Alright, Ash. This is farewell from here onwards, let's battle again next time," said Leon.

"You bet, Leon. Until next time," said Ash whilst opening the bus window. Seconds later, the bus started to depart the Pokemon Centre whilst Leon, Sonia and Professor Magnolia waved farewell to the entire group on the bus except for the traitors.

"They're finally gone," said Sonia as the three of them watched the bus disappear from their sight.

"But it has been one hell of an adventure from meeting Ash for the first time until battling him in the finals of the Masters Eight Tournament and putting an end to the Darkest Day," said Leon.

Sequel to "Risen from Betrayal" - Galarian AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now