Order of the Phoenix

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—Caroline's POV—

    Fred and I wrote almost everyday for the first two weeks then suddenly the letters stopped and I was quite upset about that. But also on top of that, the caretaker aid the teen girls at the orphanage stepped down and a new woman had been put in her position. She was a mean spiteful old bat who hated children. She kept the chubbier girls from eating three meals a day and forced the thin girls to eat at least more than four. At meals she made me eat everything on my plate and then piled on more and made me eat that too. "Hey! Hey you, skinny blonde one!" She yelled at me.

    "I have a name!" I yelled back.

    "Well then, if you don't want your news blondie just say so," she said walking off.

    "What news? Hey, what news?!" I said running after her.

    "Someone is coming to retrieve you at 4:00," she said.

    "Who?" I asked.

    "Yes I agree, Who? Who would want a brat like you?" She walked away cackling.

    "Ugh what a bitch!" One of the 12 year olds said.

    "No! No swearing!" I said scolding her.

    "See! You're a better caretaker than she could ever be! She is a mean old lady who hates kids!" She said. I sent her off to her room, then went to mine to pack my bags.

    At 4:00 I heard a knock on my door, "Just a minute!" I yelled behind me. I was jamming a few last things in my bag when a creak came from the door, "I said I would only be a moment you nasty old hag!" I said assuming it would be my caretaker. I turned around to see Fred on the floor, dying of laughter.

    "Whaaaaattt? What is going on here?!" He said still laughing, "Who did you think you were talking to?"

    "My new caretaker, she is horrible! She hates everyone and everything!" I said starting to rant.

    "What does she do?" He asked.

    "She starves the chubbier girls and forces food down everyone else's throats! She hits the small girls when they don't line up straight for meals! Oh! And also she curses at everyone so the young girls think that it is perfectly fine to curse!" I said exasperated.

    "Well then let's get you out of here! Come on, Mum and Dad are outside," he said grabbing all my luggage so I didn't have to carry anything.

    "Oooohhhh loooook its Caroline's boyfriend!!!" Some of the younger girls said.

    "Hey! Listen to me, don't let that nasty old bat push you around, alright," I knelt down to say to the girls. They nodded, so Fred and I left the orphanage and met his parents outside.

    "Alright, George take Ginny, Arthur take Ron," Molly said.

    "What?" I asked.

    "We're apperating to the Order of the Phoenix," he said.

    "What's that?" I didn't get an answer because Fred grabbed me around the waist and we apperated. I always hated apperating and Fred knew that, so he pulled me close to him. Then we were outside of a block of houses, 10,11,13,14,15. "Where is twelve?" I asked.

    "You'll see!" Fred said excited. Suddenly the houses moved apart and twelve was revealed between 11 and 13. Fred clearly loved watching the houses pull apart, he had a massive smile on his face. We walked into the house and inside was Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. I saw Lupin first and said,

    "Professor Lupin!" I gave him a hug and he said,

    "Caroline! Also I'm not your professor anymore, call me Remus," I stepped back and saw Sirius,

    "Mr. Black," I said a little off stand-ish, I knew he wasn't a bad person but I was still on edge when I saw him. Fred took my hand when he said,

    "Hello Mrs. Quinton, I'm sorry I make you feel uneasy," I looked at him confused as to how he knew that, "I can smell fear, it's the animagus nose,"

    Everyone said hello then Fred pulled me upstairs and into his room he shared with George. "You know I never got a proper hello," he pushed me on the bed on the right, pinned me down and kissed me. He made his way off my lips and kissed my neck, I ran my hands through his fresh cut red hair,

    "Ew, not in my room!" George complained. Fred kissed my forehead then collapsed on me groaning, I rubbed his back and giggled, wrapping my legs around him.

    "You are the worst," Fred said muffled by my hair.

    "Wow that must suck for you," George said.

    "At least I'm the better looking twin," Fred said which made me laugh.

    "Yeah just keep telling yourself that," George said. Fred stood up and wrapped his arm around me carrying me out of the room. We passed Ron and Hermione in the hall, Fred put me down so I could say hi.

    "What were you two doing?" Hermione asked.

    "Trust me Hermione, you don't want to know," Ron said. I rolled my eyes,

    "So, when did you get here?" I asked Hermione.

    "Oh, I got here a few days ago," she responded. Ron was looking at a small glass figurine and reached out to touch it and Hermione and I said in sync,

    "Hands off Ronald,"

    "How did they even?" He said looking at Fred. Fred just looked back at him chuckling.

    "DINNER!" Molly yelled from down stairs. We all started moving to the kitchen when a loud scream came from a picture near us. I covered my ears and looked at Fred alarmed when Sirius ran down the hall yelling at the picture telling it to shut up. It yelled back,

    "How could you let a mudblood in my house!" He got it to stop and asked if we were alright and said to Hermione,

    "I'm sorry she called you that,"

    "It's alright," she said and Ron put a hand on her shoulder and they walked down to the dinner table with me and Fred. Dinner was roast beef, carrots and mashed potatoes. We all dug in and ate till we were full. We finished and I took the plates to the sink and started washing them,

    "Darling, what are you doing?" Molly asked.

    "What do mean?" I said confused.

    "You can use magic, you're 17 aren't you?" She said.

    "Oh, oh, yeah, I forgot," I set the dishes so they would clean themselves and I walked upstairs to Hermione and I's room. I had barely sat down when Fred appeared in front me then suddenly I was in his room. He picked me then he sat down so I was straddling him. He kissed me and I kissed him back, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on the back of his neck and ran my fingers through his long orange hair.

    "Oh you've got to be kidding me! This is why you asked me to stay out of her for a while!" George said.

    "Why didn't you listen?!" He said burying his face in my neck, I laughed and laid him down in his bed. I walked toward the door and Fred jumped up and grabbed me throwing me on the bed. He laid down next to me and pulled me in so we could cuddle.

    "You know I can't stay right?" I said to him.

    "Why?" He whined.

    "Why?" I repeated, "because you brother is across the room, and your other brother and his friend are across the hall, and your sister is down the hall, and your mum and dad are down stairs, that's why?"

    "No, just be quiet and you can stay," I laughed and looked at George saying,

    "Do you mind? He has separation anxiety," he laughed and said yes. George flicked off the lights and Fred snuggled in with his face next to mine.

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