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—Caroline's POV—

When I woke up Fred was still asleep, I tried to get up but Fred's arms were wrapped around me tightly. I giggled a little, which woke him up, "Good morning love," he said, "What are you laughing at?"

"I can't get up," I said still laughing.

"Why?" He asked.

"Your arms are around me very tight," I told him. He laughed loosening his grip. I got up so he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I laughed and he kissed me.

"Well aren't you two adorable," George said plopping down in the couch across from ours. Fred was glaring at him, "What?"

"Way to interrupt," Fred said turning back to me and kissing my cheek. He got up and walked out, hitting George in the back of the head on his way out. George laughed and ran past Fred on the stairs hitting him in the head too. I laughed at them and went to my room to change clothes.

Today was the last task. I met Fred outside the school and we walked to the maze together. "You excited?" I asked.

"I'm just glad you're not in the water for this one," he said.

"Me too, that was really cold," I said as he pulled me close, putting his arm around me.

"Well at least you've learned to wear clothes appropriate to the weather, instead of shorts and a t-shirt all year round," he joked. I hit his chest and he kissed me on the top of the head. "Still forgot a hat though," he said taking off his and pulling it over my eyes. I pushed the hat off my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. When we got to our seats I leaned against him and he put an arm over my chest.

We watched and cheered as Harry, Cedric, Victor, and Fluer walked in front of the maze. "Hello, and welcome to the third and last task of the Triwizard tournament. In this maze Professor Moody has hidden the Chalice of Champions and only he knows the location of it. If any of our champions would like to leave the maze, they need only shoot up red sparks with their wand. Since Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter tied for first place in the last task, they will go into the maze together," the boys stood at their own openings in the maze, "Ready..." Dumbledore was cut off by a cannon shot Filch set off early, signaling the beginning of the search. The two of them walked in slowly and the maze closed up behind them. Victor went into the maze next followed by Fluer.

It was quiet, and a little boring, until red sparks shot up from somewhere in the maze. Then Fluer appeared in front of the maze terrified and yelling about roots. Her classmates took her in and comforted her. After about half an hour later more red sparks shot up. It was Victor, everyone from Hogwarts cheered and shouted, our school was guaranteed to win, it was just a matter of Harry or Cedric?

It had been almost an hour and a half and no one came out of the maze, and no red sparks shot up. Suddenly Harry was back with the chalice, everyone cheered and Victor and Fluer walked over to him. Then out of nowhere Fluer let out a bloodcurdling scream. Everyone was silent until Mr. Diggory yelled "That's my boy! That's my boy!" tears streaming down his face. Moody pulled Harry off of Cedric's dead body and back to his office. Everyone was on their feet when Dumbledore said "Please, will everyone go back to the school, stay in your own dormitories and do not leave your common rooms.

Fred, George, Lee and I all went back to our common room and I separated from them to go to my own dorm. I didn't get far though because I was pulled back by Fred, who hadn't let go of my hand. He pulled me back and said, "If we're in danger, you are staying with me,"

"I was hoping you'd say that," I said walking back over to them and following them up to their shared room. We all walked in and Fred pulled me over to his bed and we sat down together, George and Lee sat on their own beds. We sat like that until the doorknob turned and Professor McGonagall walked in. She looked around and her eyes landed on me,

"Mrs. Quinton shouldn't you be in YOUR room?" She said raising her eyebrows.

"I-I... yes. I'll go there now," I responded.

"Mrs. Quinton?" She said.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You may stay, just listen to Professor Dumbledore when it is about safety next time," she told me. I smiled then nodded. When she left I ran back over to Fred's bed and jumped on him. I kissed him which made George say,

"Oh, no, uh uh, no, not happening, I don't need to watch that," Fred gave him a mischievous smile and kissed me,

"Does this make you uncomfortable Georgey?" He asked.

"Ok if you're going to snog your girlfriend, do it somewhere else," he said giving us a disgusted look.

"If you haven't noticed George, we can't go anywhere" I said.

"Yes, yes you can! You can go to your room," he said pointing at me.

"He's got a point," Lee said.

"Wow! You two are really trying to get rid of us!" Fred said slightly offended. Suddenly an announcement rang out through the school, "Will everyone please gather in the great hall for a send off of our guests and an announcement from the headmaster,"

We all filed into the great hall along with everyone else and sat down at the Gryffindor table. "Welcome everyone and thank you for coming. I think everyone at this school should be informed, Voldemort has returned. He killed Cedric Diggory and he infiltrated this school. We would like to give our condolences to the Diggory family and to Cedric's friends. We have decided to end the school year early and send off our guests today," Everyone from the three schools met outside and were saying goodbye.

Hermione was saying goodbye to Victor and Ron was talking to Fluer so Harry was by himself. I walked over to him. We didn't say anything, we just stood there. Fred walked over, I took his hand and we watched Bauxbatons fly away, and Durmstrang sink under water. After, we went to pack our luggage and then we went to the train station. Fred, George, Lee and I all sat together like we did every year. It was a quiet ride to King's cross station, I fell asleep almost as soon as the train ride started and Fred ran his fingers through my hair. I woke up because Fred was whispering in my ear, "Wake up love, cmon were at the station," I got up and Fred and I walked hand in hand to his family. I was sleepy so I was leaning against him and Molly said,

"What is this? Holding hands? Are you two?" She said in shock.

"Um... yeah mum, we are," he said looking down at me and smiling.

"Ahhhhh yay!!!" She screamed.

"What? What's wrong?!" Arthur said alarmed.

"Fred and Caroline are dating!!" She said still yelling.

"Oh... well... that's great!" He said smiling awkwardly.

"I should find my caretaker's car outside," I said.

"Ok... I'll see you in a few months, I'll write," he said looking down at me with his puppy dog eyes. I smiled and kissed him goodbye and took my things out to the orphanage's car.

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