The Ministry

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—Caroline's POV—

    We were soaring through the air on thestrals, no one could see them except Harry and Luna so it was terrifying. We made it to the ministry in no time and quickly got to the department of mysteries.

    When the elevator opened there was a long hall, at the end of it was a door. "That's the door," Harry said walking towards it. We followed him to the door when he opened it there was a room full of crystal balls. We walked with our wands lit, we asked until Harry stopped and reached out for a crystal ball. It said something I couldn't really hear, when it stopped talking we heard something, Harry raised his wand  to see what was there. It was a masked figure walking slowly toward us. "Where is Sirius?" Harry asked.

    "You know you should really learn to tell the difference between dreams... and reality," the figure waved its wand to reveal the face of Lucius Malfoy. "You saw only what the dark lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy,"

    "You do anything to us and I'll break it," Harry threatened. A high pitched cackling came from behind where Lucius was standing,

    "He knows how to play," it said. It sounded familiar to me. Almost like a faint memory I couldn't quite grasp. "Itty-bitty baby Potter,"

    "Bellatrix Lestrange," Neville said. Then I remembered what he told me about his parents. I put and hand on his shoulder and stepped in front of him.

   "Oh my, well looks like the orphanage raised you right, very brave. You'd be a good Gryffindor if you weren't a Slytherin, like you mother and father," she said to me.

    "Wow the daily prophet was right for once," I said to Harry, "she really is bat shit crazy," I said turning back to Bellatrix, "I am a Gryffindor you psycho,"

    "Looky here breaking family tradition," she said stepping towards me with an angry look on her face.

    "Let's everyone, just calm down," Lucius said holding Bellatrix back. "All we want is that prophecy,"

    "Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry asked Lucius.

    "You dare speak his name," Bellatrix whispered shocked. "You filthy half-blood!"

    "It alright he's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by whom they are about. Which is luck for you really," more death eaters in masks stepped out of the shadows, surrounding us. "Haven't you always wondered, what was the reason for the connection between you and the dark lord? Hm? Why he was unable to kill you when you were an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me I can show you everything,"

    "I've waited fourteen years..." Harry said.

    "I know," Lucius said.

    "I can wait a little longer," he said, "Now!"

    "Stupefy!" We shouted blast back the death eaters. We ran through the closest clear path. Lucius appeared in front of us. Half of us ran one way and the other half another way. Luna got hit and said,

    "Levicourpus!" Blasting him through the air, I helped her up and we ran. Somewhere along the way we were split up and I ran into Bellatrix.

    "Well, well, well, the one person I can't rip limb from limb," she said,

    "And why is that?" I asked genuinely curious.

    "What kind of mother would I be if I killed my own daughter," She said with a huge smile on her face.

    "I'm not your daughter!" I yelled.

    "Yes you are! A beautiful, pure-blood, Lestrange!" She said. "Or didn't they tell you at the London orphanage I left you at, what was the address again? The corner of Parker and Newton was it?" That was the orphanage I had spent the last 17 year of my life at.

    "Stupefy!" I yelled. I ran until I found everyone,

    "Reducto!" Ginny yelled. The spell was so powerful it knocked all the crystal balls off the shelves. We ran so her spell wouldn't hit us we ran through the door, but the floor was gone. We all landed inches from the ground then fell onto it.

   We stood up and dusted ourselves off, "the whispers can you tell what they're saying?" Harry asked walking toward a big stone archway.

    "There aren't any voices Harry," Hermione said. "Let's get out of here,"

    "I hear them too," Luna said.

    "Harry, it just an empty archway, please Harry," Hermione said.

    "Get behind me!" Harry said with his wand drawn. We all scrambled to get behind him and raised our wands too. Black smoke whipped around us like a tornado. We all were being held by a death eater. I was being held by a man with short curly brown hair. Rodolphus Lestrange.

    "Hello daughter," he whispered in my ear, "Have a good day at school?"

    "Did you actually believe or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?" Lucius asked Harry. "I'll make this simple for you Potter, give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die,"

    "Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville yelled.

    "Shh," Bellatrix said with her wand at his throat. Harry looked around and gave the prophecy to Lucius.

    "Get away from my godson," Sirius said. He punched Lucius in the face causing him to drop the prophecy which smashed. He then proceeded to knock all of the death eaters away from us. Suddenly Tonks, Lupin, Moody and Kingsley appeared. Sirius and Harry were fighting, Lucius and another death eater.

    "Expeliarmus!" Harry said disarming Lucius.

    "Nice one James!" Sirius said. He hit Lucius and sent him flying backwards.

    "Avada kedavra!" Bellatrix yelled hitting Sirius. Harry had to be held back by Lupin to prevent him from running after Bellatrix. She looked a little sad about her cousin before leaving. Harry broke free and ran after her, I followed quickly behind. "I killed Sirius Black!" She yelled in a sing-songy voice.

    "Crucio!" He yelled knocking her down. He had his wand pointed at her and someone was saying,

    "Just do it Harry!" In a whispered voice.

    "No, Harry, don't, please!" I begged him.

    "Why not? She killed Sirius!" He said.

    "Because... because she's my mum!" I told him. He still looked like he was going to when a dust form of Voldemort appeared next to him.

    "Do it!" He said. Harry turned around, and pointed his wand at him. He knocked it out of Harry's hand and said, "So... weak,"

    "It was foolish of you to come here tonight Tom," Dumbledore said coming out of the fire place. "The orders are on their way,"

    "By which time I shall be gone, and shall be dead," Voldemort said. I ran over to Harry, grabbed him and hid behind a wall. Dumbledore and Voldemort seemed to be equally matched until Voldemort made a basilisk out of fire. Dumbledore extinguished it and trapped his opponent in a ball of water. Harry tried to run up to him but Dumbledore pushed him back. Then Voldemort let out a yell that shattered all the windows. He took the glass and hurled it at Dumbledore who turned it into sand. Voldemort made a tornado out of sand and disappeared.

    Suddenly Harry collapsed to the floor and started speaking in Voldemort's voice saying, "you've lost old man," then Harry was writhing in pain.

    "Help him!" I yelled running over.

    "Harry?" Dumbledore said. "Harry it isn't how you are alike, it's how you are not, Harry," everyone ran in and stood together I went over to them.

    "You're the weak one and you will never know love, or friendship, and I feel sorry for you," Harry said. Then a cocoon of  sand shot up just as people from the ministry started showing up, including Percy.

    "He's back," the minister finally admitted.

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