Bringing Down the Bridge

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—Caroline's POV—

"Hermione you're safe, we're all safe," I heard Harry say from where I laid in the sand.

"Harry Potter," Dobby said weakly. I looked over at him and he had Bellatrix's knife sticking out of him. I scrambled over to him and caught him as he fell.

"Come on Dobby, we have to get him to the cottage, maybe Fluer can save him," I said. "Give me a wand!" I said. Harry threw me one of the many wands he had. Apperated into the living room of the cottage and laid Dobby on the couch, "Fluer! Bill!" I yelled. That came running from another room, "can you help him?" I asked.

"I think so," Fluer said. She took him to another room and as I sat down, Harry, Ron and Hermione ran in.

"Is he going to be alright?" Harry asked flustered.

"We think so," I told him.

"Oh thank goodness," he collapsed into a chair.

"Caroline," Fred ran over to me, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I assured him.

"Your wrists," he looked at my hands.

"Its not as bad as it looks," I said. Ron was with Hermione looking at her arm. "Are you okay Hermione?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she lied.

"No you're not, look at this," Ron held up her arm. It had the word 'mudblood' carved into it.

"Oh my, Hermione! I'm sorry!" I said.

"It's not your fault," she said.

"She's my mother, of course it is," I said.

"You are not your mother, you're far from it if you ask me," she said. Fluer walked out from the hallway,

"Dobby is going to be just fine, all he needs is rest right now," she told us. We spent the night at shell cottage and in the morning Fred and I went back to the burrow. As soon as we walked in the front door Molly hugged us,

"Oh thank goodness you're alright! Bill and Fluer told us what happened,"

"Yeah we're fine Mum," Fred assured her.

    "We are very tired though, do you mind if we catch up tomorrow?" I asked.

    "Oh yes, of course, go straight up to bed," she waved us up the stairs. We walked up the stairs and into Fred and George's bedroom, which George never actually slept in, and we got into bed.

    The next morning we walked downstairs, Molly and Arthur were listening to the radio, "Uuuhhh, is something burning?" I asked, sniffing the air.

    "Oh!" Molly exclaimed, she raced over to the stove and flipped the omelet on it.

    "What are you listening to? Potterwatch?" I asked.

    "Yeah, they're talking about the muggle families who were killed," George said from the hallway.

    "George!" I hugged him. I We spent most of the day listening to Potterwatch until someone said,

    "Emergency weather report, lightning has struck! I repeat lightning has struck!"

    "What does he mean? It's not even raining, let alone lightning," I said.

    "It's code, Harry is at Hogwarts, there is going to be war," Arthur told me.

    "What do we do?" I asked.

    "No, you're not going. You're a child," Molly said.

    "All due respect, but you're wrong. I am 19, I'm an adult, I know you're trying to protect me but you can't stop me," I told her.

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