Too young

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—Caroline's POV—

      We walked in and sat down at the Gryffindor table with everyone else. Professor Dumbledore walked to the front of the room and up to the goblet of fire. The flames turned pink and a piece of parchment flew out, Dumbledore caught it and announced, "The Durmstrang champion is, Victor Krum!" Everyone cheered and his friends patted him on the back as he walked up to retrieve the parchment with his name on it.

      The flames went pink once more and out flew a second more decorative piece of parchment, "The champion for Buaxbatons is Fluer Delacour!" Everyone started clapping again as she walked up and took her parchment.

     The flames turn pink again and one more piece of parchment flew out, "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Everyone cheered for Cedric and he stood up walked over and took his parchment. "Excellent! We now have our three champions, but in the end only one will go down in history, only one will hoist this Chalice of Champions, this vessel of victory... The Triwizard Cup." He said revealing a blue glowing chalice.

     Suddenly the goblets flames turned pink once more, another piece of parchment flying out straight into Dumbledore's hand. He looked at it and said "Harry Potter, Harry Potter !" Harry slouched down in his seat, "HARRY POTTER!!!" He bellowed. Harry stood up and Hermione pushed him to walk up to Dumbledore, he handed Harry his parchment and Harry walked past everyone and up to the champions. While he was walking someone yelled,

    "He's a cheat!"

    "Yeah, he's not even 17 yet," someone else said. Harry walked up and joined the champions.

    I walked out with Fred and George, we walked for a while before anybody talked, "So... do you think they're gonna make him compete?" George asked.

    "They better not! He's only 14, he can't, he'll be killed!" I shouted at him.

    "Hey, hey relax, I'm sure they wont," Fred said putting an arm around me. We walked like that until we got to the common room, then we walked over to the couches and sat there in silence watching the fire. Fred and I were on one couch and George was on the other. I was sort of laying on Fred but I don't think he minded because he was playing with my curly hair.

—Fred's POV—

   We were all sitting by the fire when George got up, "Where are you going?" I asked.

   "To bed, you coming?" He said walking away.

   "No, I don't want to wake her up," I said looking down at Caroline.

    "Alright you love sick puppy," he laughed. I shot him a dirty look and then turned back to Caroline brushing a curl out of her face.

     When I woke up I was on the couch with Caroline still laying on me. I ran my hands through her hair and I must have woken her up because her eyes fluttered open and looked straight up at me, "Good morning love, sleep well?" I said smiling down at her.

     "Oh did I fall asleep?" She put her hands over her face in embarrassment.

    "It's alright. We should get going or we're going to miss the first task," I said getting up. We both went to our separate rooms and met back by the fire. "Ready to go?" I asked. She responded by grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the portrait hole. She pulled me the whole way until we got out the door. "Why'd you stop?" I asked.

    "I didn't think I'd be so cold!" She said shivering.

    "Here," I said taking off my coat and jumper, handing her the jumper.

    "Thank you!" She said grabbing my hand once again and pulling me to the arena. We ran up to Lee and George and sat down next to them.

—Caroline's POV—

    As soon as we sat down I asked George and Lee, where Harry was. "Uh, I dunno," Lee said. A loud growl made me jump and I looked to my left and I saw that 3 men were hitching up a dragon.

   "IS THAT A BLOODY DRAGON!" I said terrified.

   "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you Charlie is here with four dragons for the tournament," Fred said excited.

   "Wait, hold on, did you say four?" I asked worried.

   "Yeah, why?" Fred asked.

    "Harry's competing," I said before I pushed my way through the crowd with Fred, George and Lee right behind me. I ran to the champions tent and burst in yelling, "How could you?! He's 14 and that out there is a dragon! He could die and you didn't even think about taking him out of the tournament! He's too young and I'm not letting him go out there!" I yelled at Dumbledore and the Barty Crouch.

    "Mrs. Quinton you will not use that tone when speaking to me! I'm am the head of..." Barty Crouch said, cut of by Dumbledore saying,

    "Mrs. Quinton your concern is admirable and touching but he has to compete. You see, the goblet of fire creates a binding contract, he has no choice, the best thing you can do for him right now is return to your seat and keep watch over him for he has already begun his task."

    "Fine. But if he dies from this, that fourteen year old boy's blood is on both of your hands," I said storming out of the tent and back to the arena.

     We all sat back down in our seats and watched. The dragon was pulling on its chains, "What happens if it breaks its chains?" I said turning to Fred.

   "It won't," he assured me.

   "But what if it does?" I asked again. He turned fully toward me and repeated,

   "It won't," that very second there was a snap from the chains and the dragon flew after Harry tearing the canopy covering the professors in half, "Yeah, scratch that," Fred said taking back his previous statement. Harry flew toward the castle the dragon in tow. I grabbed Fred's hand when it crashed into the roof of our school. "He'll be alright, don't worry," he said squeezing my hand reassuring me.

    Suddenly there was a sputtering broom flying over our heads. It was Harry! He swooped down and grabbed the egg. Everyone stood up cheering and shouting. Fred hugged me and said "See, told you he'd be alright."

    There was a party in the Gryffindor common room that night. The twins had Harry on their shoulders shouting,

    "Never thought you could could do it Harry!"

    "Lose a leg"

    "Or an arm,"

    "But make it out all together?"

     "Never!!!" The egg was being passed along until it made its way to Seamus he kissed it and handed up to Harry and he said,

     "Cmon Harry open it!"

     "Do you want me to open it?" He yelled. Everyone cheered, "Come on do ya?" He asked again. Everyone cheered even louder. He twisted the top and it opened like a flower, emitting a piercing screech. Fred and George dropped him and Harry scrambled to close the egg.

     "What the bloody hell was that?!" Ron asked at the door.

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