Malfoy Manor

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—Caroline's POV—

After a few days Angelina had to go home. The next few weeks were a bit dull after she left, we didn't do much except visit Bill and Fluer at their cottage by the beach and once we were on Potterwatch, a radio station to keep people informed on what was happening with Voldemort and how severe thing were getting. Some time in the winter, while we were there at Bill and Fluer's cottage we were just talking on the couch when someone knocked on the door. Fluer got up to open it, it was Ron. "Ron?" She said. "Bill it's Ron,"

"Ron?" He asked. Ron walked in and said,

"Yeah, uh, hi,"

"Where are Harry and Hermione?" I asked.

"I don't know, we were moving around so they could be anywhere," he said.

"What were you doing? Why didn't you guys come back after the wedding?" Bill asked.

"I can't tell you what we were doing," he said.

"That's perfectly alright come and have some tea, you must be starving, too, I'll make some food," Ron sat down on the sofa with me and Fred. Ron spent the night there and we came back in the morning, Bill and Fluer were in the kitchen talking with Fred so I sat down next to Ron.

"Why did you leave?" I asked.

"Long story," he said.

"I have all day," I said.

"Harry and Hermione were sitting, and planning for the next, uh, well I can't tell you, but they thought I was asleep. They didn't even think about consulting me for the plan. I got angry but when I took the, uh, well. I had something that would make me angrier than I should have been, and when I took it off I had already stormed out, and I couldn't go back after that so I came here," he explained.

"Well I think, no matter how dangerous it is, you should go back," I said.

"Dangerous? You don't even know what we're doing," he said.

"No, I meant dangerous, as in confronting Hermione after you've pissed her off," I said.

"That's probably true," he said, laughing.

"What are you two talking about?" Fred asked, sitting next to me and putting an arm around me.

"Ron is going to go back to Harry and Hermione," I told them.

"You don't even know where they are," Fred pointed out.

"Oh, you're right," he thought for a moment before saying, "There has to be some way to find them,"

"If there was, don't you think Vol-," I started.

"No! Don't say his name it's been jinxed, if you say it the death eaters will know where to find you," he said.

"Really? Well, as I was saying, if there was a way to find him don't you think You-know-who or one of his followers would have figured it out by now?"

"Oh, yeah," he said disappointed.

"Well what if there is a way specific to you?" I asked.

"What do you mean 'specific to him'?" Bill asked.

"Something only he can do or something he has that no one else has, or can do," I explained.

"Well, anything I can do, both Hermione and Harry can do. So maybe something I have?"

"What about the thing Dumbledore left you in his will?" I suggested.

"His Dilluminator," he told me pulling a small, lighter-looking, device, out of his pocket.

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