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—Caroline's POV—

I stepped out in front of Tonks, Lupin, Molly, Arthur, and Fred. I knew she wouldn't hurt me, even to get to them. "Oh, my daughter is here! This should be fun!" She said, cackling and clapping her hands excitedly. She ran out of the ring of fire, now surrounding the burrow. Harry came out of the house running past me and after Bellatrix.

"Harry no!" Arthur yelled behind him. I ran after him with Lupin and Tonks not far behind me.

"Caroline!" Fred said trying to run after me, his parents held him back though. Harry made it past the fire and when I ran through it started closing up, it burned my arm, I didn't even notice. We were running through the wheat fields, all I could hear was Bellatrix singing,

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black! You coming to get me?" She was cackling evilly, "Harry, can you get me? Are you coming to get me?" I thought I was right behind Harry but I couldn't see him anymore. I ran and ran until I ran into a clearing. It was almost swamp-like there was a small amount of water covering every inch of the ground beneath my feet. I looked around until I heard Ginny say,

"Harry?" She walked backwards out of the field and walking towards her was Fenrir Greyback. I stood in front of her with my wand at his face.

"One more step and you're dead," I threatened him. He laughed quietly and continued walking towards us. I pulled Ginny behind me to protect her. He started charging us so I yelled, "Stupefy!" He blocked my spell and became a black cloud floating around. Seconds later Harry came running out of the fields into our clearing. He ran straight to Ginny and asked,

"Are you alright?" She nodded. We heard whooshing from the field so we stood in a with our backs to each other and our wands up.

"HARRY!!!" We heard Arthur yell from somewhere in the distance. We were suddenly hit with spells from every direction, we deflected them but the kept coming. "GINNY!!!" Arthur yelled this time he was closer. Tonks and Lupin ran out of the field and joined our small circle. Arthur was with us now too, the spells had stopped, and we were on high alert when a black cloud flew out from the field in front of us. A second one flew up and away with it, they soared toward the house going straight through it. "Molly," Arthur said running back to the house.

"Oh my, Fred and George are in there!" I yelled running after him. We all ran for the house and when we got there, Molly, Fred, George, and Ron were standing outside watching their childhood home burn to the ground. I ran to Fred who pulled me in and hugged me. "I'm so sorry," I said muffled by his shirt.

    "It's not your fault," he said. He pulled me away and looked me in the eye, "Don't you dare use this as an excuse to go somewhere else, you're staying with me,"

    "No, Fred this just proves I was right to leave, I'm putting everyone in danger just by being near them!" I argued.

    "She didn't even know you were here! She was surprised to see you here," he said.

    "Maybe. But that doesn't mean I didn't cause this," I gestured towards he burning house, "Maybe if I weren't here she wouldn't have burned the house down,"

    "You don't know that!" He pointed out.

    "He's right, you don't know that," George said.

    "I'm putting you in danger! I can't stay with you! I'm sorry," I told him. I ran back into the field and apperated. I was now in Diagon Alley, in front of the twins' shop. I walked inside and up to my room I shared with Fred. I packed whatever I could find that was mine in a trunk and apperated again. This time I was in front of my orphanage, I was still 17 so I was legally allowed to come back whenever I wanted. I walked in the door and saw a bunch of little girl in the room at the end of the hall. "I'm back!" I yelled. The all came running up to me and hugged me.

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