Quidditch Practice

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—Caroline's POV—

The next day we had class with Professor Umbridge. I sat with Fred and George sat with Lee right behind us. Fred and George bewitched a paper bird to fly just out of reach of everyone, the whole class was chasing it. A boy from Hufflepuff almost had before Umbridge burned it in midair. He sat back down, when everyone was seated and quiet, Umbridge said, "Mr. and Mr. Weasley?" Fred and George looked at each other, then raised their hands. "Hm, sitting apart? Now why is that?" She said putting a hand on our desk.

"I wanted to sit with Caroline," Fred said hesitantly.

"More than you wanted to sit with your twin brother?" She asked.

"Um, I guess," he said looking at me confused.

"Interesting. Mrs. Quinton is it?" She asked.

    "Um, yes, it is," I answered.

    "Why would the Weasleys sit apart? So Mr. Weasley here could sit with you?" She asked.

    "Uh, yes,"

    "Why would Mr. Weasley want sit with you rather than his brother?"

    "Probably because I'm his girlfriend," I answered.

    "Ah! I see. How are your grades Mrs. Quinton?" Umbridge asked.

    "Uh, they're fine," I said, "are we gonna start the lesson or..."

    "And how did your grades change when you started dating Mr. Weasley?"

    "They didn't," I said starting to see her point.

    "And what about you Mr. Weasley? How did your grades change when you started dating Mrs. Quinton?"

    "They stayed the same," he answered.

    "And what would be a normal grade for you?" She asked.

    "Failing, Professor," he said smirking. She sighed, clearly disappointed she didn't get a satisfying answer, and walked to the front of the classroom.

    "Based on your inconsistencies in Defense Against The Dark Arts teachings, we are starting with the basics," she waved her wand and beginner textbooks flew out to everyone. "Any questions?"

    "Uh, yes," I said raising my hand.

    "Ah, Mrs.Quinton," she said.

    "There isn't anything about defensive spells in here," I said, "why?"

    "We won't be practicing defensive spells, we will do those in a safe, risk-free environment," she said.

    "But if we ever actually have to use these spells, won't it be anything but safe and risk-free?" I asked.

    "But who would ever want to hurt children like yourselves?" She asked rhetorically.

    "Well we won't always be children," I said.

    "Watch yourself," she said threateningly.

Our next class was transfiguration with Professor McGonagall, we did our usual routine and sang the same song as every other year, for the whole class. "At least this won't happen again next year," she said.

"Oh yeah! This is our last time singing in your class! That's so sad," I said.

"Oh yes, devastating that I will not have a class interrupted annually ever year," she said sarcastically.

"I think this calls for an encore," Fred said standing up.

"Sit down Mr. Weasley!" McGonagall scolded him.

    After classes we were all at quidditch tryouts and I was telling Angelina, "I mean is she really so naive! We won't always be young, and even if we did stay young, people hurt children all the time!"

    "Yeah, and starting with the basics? We're never going to pass our N.E.W.T.S," Angelina said. We both went out on the field and hopped on our brooms.

    "Okay, everyone trying out for Keeper, please hop on your brooms and hover by the goal post to your left," Oliver said. When they all made it over there he said, "Okay, basically each of you are going to try to keep the quaffle, thrown by one of our lovely chasers from last year, from going through the goal. Good luck, I take pride in them being pretty much unbeatable,"

    I flew down and took the quaffle from Oliver who followed us to the stands. He blew his whistle and I flew off. Angelina and I passed the ball back and forth a few times before I launched it at the goal post, guarded by a second year who had no idea what he was doing. He ducked down to avoid being hit, covering his head with his hands. He lost balance and slipped off his broom plummeting towards the grass. I hopped up on my broom and dived off, I got closer and closer to him as we both got closer to the ground. I grabbed his hand so I took my wand out with my other hand and said,

    "Accio broomstick!" My broom flew towards me, I grabbed it and hung on, we glided near the grass and when we got close enough I dropped him. He stood on the ground watching me, I looked at Oliver smiling and he said,

    "Go ahead, give them a show,"

    I quickly bewitched my broom, the spell basically makes it so the broom tries to keep me on it, even if I jump off. I stood up on my broom and flew higher. I put my weight on my back foot so the broom turned, I was standing on the tip-off the broom when I let myself fall forward. My broom flew to where my hands would eventually be as I fell, I grabbed my broom and the momentum made me swing around the handle. I let go and I flew through the air and flipped on my way down. I finished my last flip so I was vertical and landed standing on my broom.

    Everyone clapped and Fred wolf whistled from the ground, which made me laugh. I sat down and flew over to him, flipping upside down, I made it over to him and kissed him. George was cheering and whooping next to us so I put my hand on his face and pushed him.

    We resumed tryouts for the keepers and Ron did the best by far, next was time for the chasers. There was only two people trying out for chaser, Ginny and a scrawny third year boy. "Okay, you two, left goal post," We all flew over there and Oliver handed Angelina the quaffle. "Your main goal, get the quaffle. You do that first, and you're our new chaser. Well, ready set go," Angelina flew off, speeding around the stands. Ginny was on her tail and the third year was pretty far behind. I flew parallel to Angelina and she threw me the quaffle, Ginny switched targets and came flying after me. She got up next to me and slammed into me, "Good, that was good!" I said. I got away from her enough to toss the ball back to Angelina. Ginny swerved over to her using her momentum to slam into Angelina.

    "Damn, she's good!" Angelina yelled to me from across the pitch. Ginny hit her one more time and that knocked to quaffle out of her arms. They both dived for it but Ginny got there first.

    "And we have a winner!" Oliver said from the stands. We all flew down to the grass and stood in a line. Oliver walked down picking people out, "Fred, George, beaters. Harry, seeker. Caroline, Angelina, and Ginny, chasers. Ron, keeper,"

    We went back to the lockers and Angelina, Ginny and I all went to the girl's locker room. "Welcome to the girl's locker room, where we are like the 10th people to ever be in here because a shit ton of boys play quidditch," I said showing her the huge room full of lockers. She laughed and we all went to a locker to put our gear and brooms away.

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