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—Caroline's POV—

    For the next few months we almost never left the shop, we only ever left for the essentials. I think the boys went a little stir crazy, but at least they were safe. One day in March I went outside to collect the paper as usual, I looked at the headline. A tear rolled down my face, I walked up the stairs just staring at the paper. "What's wrong?! Caroline?" Fred said.

"Look," I said, putting the paper in his hands. He read it,

"No..." he whispered. I burst into tears and collapsed on the ground crying. Fred knelt down and held me. George walked in and said,

"What happened?" He picked up the paper, "No... Dumbledore... how?"

"How is this happening?" I asked, still crying.

"I don't know... I don't know," Fred said, wiping the tears from my face. We stood up and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. I put my head on Fred's chest and let my tears soak into his shirt, he put his arms around me and stroked my hair.

The next week we went to Dumbledore's funeral. I got changed into a knee length, lacey, black dress and met the boys by the door of the shop and we apperated to Hogwarts. I saw Harry almost right away, "Harry, I'm so sorry," I said hugging him.

"I can't believe he's gone," he said. Hermione walked up to us with Ron, I hugged them too. The funeral service started, it was beautiful. He was buried in a white marble casket on the grounds of Hogwarts. We talked with some of the other people there and went home soon after.

A few weeks later it was April, the first of April to be exact. I woke up with Fred next to me, I rolled over in his arms and brushed some ginger hair out of his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at me, "Good morning Birthday boy," I said. He smirked and laughed a little.

"Good morning," he grabbed my waist and turned onto his back so I was laying on top of him. He kissed me, then suddenly George burst in the room yanking Fred off the bed and onto the floor.

"George!" I yelled.

"It is my birthday, and we are going to do something other than whatever you were about to do, because... ugh," he said, gesturing to me.

"It's my birthday too, and I want to spend time with my girlfriend," Fred protested.

"You can do that later, come on," he pulled Fred off the floor and into the the living room, I ran after them.

    "Okay, what do you want to do?" Fred asked.

    "I don't know," George said plopping down on the couch. "Can we have Lee and Angelina over? Or is that against the Lestrange rules," Fred and George had started calling the rules I set to protect them from my mum the 'Lestrange rules'.

    "As long as we stay inside I'm sure it'll be fine," I said.

    "I'll send an owl!" Fred said excited. They both sent an owl back quickly, saying they could come for dinner. We prepared for the remainder of the day, well, I prepared and Fred and George tossed whatever food I was cooking with, into each other's mouths. When they knocked on the shop's door Fred and George bolted down the stairs to greet them.

    "We missed you! It's been almost a year since I've seen you guys," I said.

    "I know! I can't believe it. Oh, and happy birthday you two!" Angelina said.

    "Yeah, happy birthday," Lee said.

    "Thanks!" The twins said.

    "Come upstairs," I told them, guiding them up the stairs and into the dining room. We sat down, ate and talked. When we finished dinner and I went to get the cake.

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