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—Caroline's POV—

The next day we were at Harry's class, we were hitting the machine with different spells so it would go around and everyone could practice at once. It went around a few times before it got to Ginny, "Reducto!" She yelled. The machine turned to dust and fell through the grated floors. Everyone was impressed, even Fred, George, and Ron. Later that day we were practicing and Neville said,

"Expeliarmus!" Parivati patil's wand flew out of her hand. Everyone stopped to look, Neville had never been able to actually do the spell correctly, until now. Everyone went over to congratulate him, Neville looked very proud of himself.

"Ok that's it for this lesson, now we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best as you can, and... and well done everyone. Great, great work," Harry said. Everyone clapped and left to go back to their common rooms. The twins stayed to suggest that they put puking pastels in Umbridge's tea. I stood by the door and waited for them. The came over to me and said,

"He didn't even give us an answer,"

"Maybe that's why?" I said pointing at him and Cho. They smiled at each other and were about to walk over when I grabbed their ties and pulled them out of the room.

"Hey!" They said.

"Leave them alone," I said annoyed.

"We were just gonna..." Fred said.

"Just gonna go over there and say something stupid and embarrassing?" I finished for him.

"Okay, yeah but..." George trailed off. I rolled my eyes and dragged them back to the Gryffindor common room, they were whining the whole time.

Later that night, I woke up when I heard footsteps running, and voices whispering. I got out of bed and left my dorm to see Ginny and Professor McGonagall rushing out of her room. I walked up to them and said, "What's going on?"

"Mrs. Quinton, please go back to your dorm, I will tell you tomorrow," Professor McGonagall instructed me.

"What? No, what's going on?" I asked.

"It's my dad," Ginny said.

"Ginny!" McGonagall scolded her.

"She's like family, she should know!" Ginny retorted.

"I will tell you tomorrow, Mrs. Quinton, please..." she was cut off by Ginny.

"She should know, it's only fair, she basically lives with us,"

"No, it's alright Ginny. I'll see you tomorrow, okay," I said.

"Fine, goodnight," Ginny said reluctantly. I went back to my room but I couldn't sleep, so I started to pack my bags. I was halfway through packing when I heard a knock on my door. The knob turned and Professor McGonagall walked in,

"Oh, good. I'm sorry I can't tell you what is happening, I know you and the Weasleys are very close. I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind, packing a bag for Mrs. Weasley and the Weasley twins?"

"No, I don't mind," I said. She left and when I was done packing I went into Ginny's room and packed all of her things in her trunk. I don't think she would have needed all of it but I didn't want to leave anything she might have wanted. Then I walked across the common room to the boy's dormitories and went into Fred, George, and Lee's room. I went in quietly as to not wake Lee, but I looked over and he was awake and putting things in George's trunk. "Hey," I said walking over and helping him.

"Hey, do you know what going on?" He asked.

"Not really, I just know it's something with their dad," I told him. We finished and I grabbed Fred's trunk out from under his bed. I went to his dresser and took the shirts out of the drawer, they weren't folded so I put them all on the floor and started folding them and putting them in his trunk. When I had finished with the shirts I did the same with his pants, then I moved on to the next drawer. I pulled it out and it had socks in it, surprisingly they were folded and in pairs. "Will you look at that, folded," I said to Lee. He laughed and we put all the socks in his trunk. When about half the socks were out of the drawer I found a small square box in one of the socks. I took it out and looked at the box.

"What's that?" Lee said taking it from me.

"No, Lee," I tried to get it back. He opened it and said,

"Woah, that's pretty. It's engraved too, wanna hear what it says? It's very cute," he said.

"No! I don't want to see it or know what is engraved on it," I yelled at him, closing the box and putting it back in the sock. I put the sock in his trunk and tried to forget about it.

When we finished we took everyone's packed trunks down to the common room. When we got down there, Hermione was there with Harry and Ron's trunks. "Hey, are you going too?" I asked.

    "Yeah," she said. McGonagall walked in and said,

    "Are you ready to go? Do you have everyone's things?"

    "Yeah," we said.

    "Bye Lee," I gave him a hug. We picked up all the bags and took them to the port key. We touched it and were spun around, we let go and we landed on the ground in front of 12 grimmauld place. I saw a window curtain open, then Fred, George, Ron, and Harry came out of the door. Fred sprinted out of the door and hugged me. "Hey," I said I little surprised.

    "I missed you," he said.

    "I saw you yesterday," I said.

    "I know" He let go of me and took his trunk along with mine. We walked inside and Fred took my trunk upstairs.

    "Oh, Caroline dear, welcome back!" Molly exclaimed embracing me.

    "Hi Mrs. Weasley. I still don't know what happened, can you tell me?" I asked.

    "Well, Arthur has been attacked. He is alive and well, but injured badly," she informed me.

    "Oh no! That's terrible!" I said.

    "Oh it's alright darling, the only thing that matters is he's alive," she assured me. I looked around but I couldn't see Fred so I went upstairs. His door was closed, I knocked but no one answered. I opened it and Fred was just laying in his bed, I thought he was asleep. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

    "Are you awake?" I whispered.

    "Yeah," he said quietly. I pulled his shoulder to turn him over so I could see his face but he turned farther away from me.

    "Okay... what? Ten minutes ago you missed me and now you won't even look at me? I don't get it," I said. He turned over, his face was tear-streaked and red. "Freddie, what's wrong?"

    "Dad... I was so worried, I just..." he trailed off.

    "Oh, Freddie," I put a hand on his cheek and wiped a tear from his face. He sat up and and hugged me, then pulled me down with him. He put his forehead against mine and we laid together until we fell asleep.

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