Back at School

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— September 1st—
—Caroline's POV—

    We had all of our school supplies and were walking for platform 9 3/4. I was walking between Fred and George, Harry, Ron and Hermione were in front of us and Ginny was behind us with Molly and Arthur. When we made it to the platform, Harry, Ron and Hermione ran through the wall first, Fred, George, and I went next.

    We ran through and left our luggage with everyone else's, then we filed onto the train, we walked until we found an empty compartment. Fred sat down and took up the rest of the bench with his legs. He patted his legs for me to sit down, "No," I said pushing his legs of the bench. George laughed and took up the other bench with his legs,

    "How come he can do it?" Fred whined.

    "Because I don't want to sit with him, I want to sit with you," I said.

    "Ouch," George said putting a hand over his heart.

    "Would you rather sit with your legs up or sit with me?" I asked.

    "Ummm..." he said.

    "That shouldn't be a question you have to think about!" I said offended.

    "But, can't I do both?" He asked.

    "Alright, George move your legs," I shoved his legs off the seat,

    "No no no, come back," Fred said pulling me back.

    "Yeah that's what I thought," I said sitting down next to Fred. After about an hour a knock came from our compartment door, George slid it open, it was Oliver Wood,

    "Oh, good. You're all together," he said.

    "Yeah what do you need?" I asked.

    "So, it's my last year, and yours too, I was wondering if you're all going to try out for quidditch this year? I'm trying to put together the best team for my last year and you two are the best beaters and Caroline you're the best chaser we've had. Don't tell Angelina I said that though," he told us.

    "We're definitely trying out!" The twins said in unison.

    "Me too, I love playing quidditch," I said.

    "Ok great!" He said excited.

    "Who else are you recruiting?" I asked him.

    "Well Harry is the best seeker by far, Angelina's good for another chaser, we'll need to hold tryouts for one more chaser and a keeper though. Any suggestions?" He asked.

    "I know I'm biased but, Ron is a pretty good keeper, and Ginny took a few quaffles from me while we were playing for fun at the burrow last year. She could be better than me someday with a some training and practice," I told him.

    "Yeah she's pretty good actually, Ron is... okay," Fred said.

    "Ok thanks, I'll go ask them to tryout," he said leaving. George shut the door and I said,

    "I can't believe this is our last quidditch season,"

    "Yeah, it's sad," Fred said.

    "If either of you let me get hit by a bludger in my last season I swear," I said laughing.

    "Don't worry I'll protect you, I'll send those bludgers straight to Malfoy," he said. We laughed and talked the whole ride. When we arrived we got a carriage to ourselves until Oliver came up and asked

    "You mind if I sit?"

    "Not at all. Are Ginny and Ron trying out?" I asked.

    "Yeah both of them," he said, "I can't wait to see what they can do,"

    "So, you like quidditch, are you gonna go pro after school is done?" I asked.

    "Uh, I think so, I'm gonna try at least," he said, "what about you what do you want to do after school is done?"

    "Hmmm, I haven't really thought about it much. Maybe something with the ministry?" I said. We had arrived at the castle and we walked into the great hall. We sat down with everyone else and watched the first year be sorted, we got about 10 new Gryffindors. Dumbledore walked up to the podium and started his speech,

    "Good evening children, now we have two changes in staffing this year. We are pleased to welcome back Professor Grubly-Plank who will be caring for magical creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We would also like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Delores Umbridge. I'm sure you will all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. As usual our caretaker Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you..." Umbridge cleared her throat in an annoying high pitched voice. She rose from her chair and walked in front of Dumbledore's podium to say,

    "Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all of your bright, happy faces smiling up to me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends,"

    "That's likely," the twins said in unison.

    "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizard to be of vital importance. Although each head master has brought something new to this historic school..." she continued, "progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve, what must be preserved, and perfect, what can be perfected, and prune practices that ought to be prohibited," she sat back down and Dumbledore said,

    "Thank Professor, that was most illuminating,"

    "Illuminating?" Ron said, "what a load of waffle,"

    "What does that mean?" Harry asked Hermione.

    "It means, the ministry is interfering at Hogwarts," she said.

    After we ate, Fred, George, Lee, Hermione, Ron and I went up to the Gryffindor common room. Fred, George, Lee and I were all sitting together when Harry walked in. Everyone stopped talking and stared at him, past most of the people before he said,

    "Dean, Seamus, good holiday?"

    "All right, better then Seamus's anyway," Dean said. Seamus threw down his newspaper and said,

    "Me mum didn't want me to come back this year,"

    "Why not?" Harry said apprehensively.

    "Let me see, eh, because of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying lots a thing about you Harry. About Dumbledore as well," he said in his thick accent.

    "What, and your mum believes them?" Harry said.

    "Well, nobody was there the night Cedric died," Seamus said.

    "Well then I guess you should read the Prophet then like your stupid mother," Harry rebutdtaled.

    "Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" He said defensively.

    "I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar," Harry told him.

    "What's going on?"Ron said walking towards Harry.

    "He's mad is what's goin on," Seamus told him. "Do you believe the rubbish he's coming out about You-know-who?"

    "Yeah, I do, actually," Ron said, "does anyone else have a problem with Harry?" No one said anything so the boys went upstairs.

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