Quidditch game

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—Caroline's POV—

    Everyone was lined up in front of a machine, "Expeliarmus!" Neville yelled, his wand went flying backwards. We all ducked so the wand hit the wall.

    "You're just flourishing your wand too much, try it Ike this. Expeliarmus!" Harry said. He flicked his wand and the machine's wand flew out of its metal hand. "Ok next," Harry said Neville went to the back of the line. When everyone had gone through we all left the room of requirement.

    The next day we learned about stunning, "Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal, it sort of a wizards bread and butter," Harry said, "Come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot," the young ginger boy stood at the opposite end of the room from Harry and said,

    "Stupefy!" He knock Harry and himself back on to the floor.

    "Good. Not bad... at all, Nigel," Harry said. Next up were Hermione and Ron.

    "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," Ron assured her.

    "Thanks Ronald," she said amused. Ron walked to the other end of the room smiling nervously.

    "One sickle," George whispered.

    "You're on," Fred said.

    "No betting against your brother!" I whispered, smacking George in the arm.

    "Stupefy!" Hermione yelled. Ron went flying backwards and onto the floor. Fred gave George a sickle.

    "Thank you," he said smirking.

    "Shut up," Fred said. Ron came up to us and said,

    "I let her do that, it's good manners isn't it?" The girls across the room were giggling with Hermione. "It was completely intentional,"

    The next day another plaque went up on the wall saying 'All students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities'. We still went to the room of requirement to practice that day. We were learning to make people hover, Fred choose me as his partner so I was in the air, "If you drop me, I will break up with you," I said.

    "Oohh that's a lot of pressure Freddie, better not drop her," George said clapping Fred on the back. Cho was hovering Nigel across the room and got distracted, dropping him, which distracted everyone else, so I fell. Fred ran over and caught me before I hit the ground.

    "Hmm, your not single yet," I said bopping his nose. George laughed at us so I kicked him in the shin. After we left the room of requirement Fred and George decided that if Filch was going to try and catch us he should have a little treat for his efforts. They gave him a chocolate from their skiving snack boxes that would give him boils all over his face.

We all went to bed and in the morning I walked out of my dorm and into the common room. I was fixing my tie when I felt arms wrap around me.

"You ready for the quidditch match? We are going to destroy Slytherin today!" Fred said excited.

"I can't wait to kick the crap out of some 4th year chasers," I said laughing.

"That's my girl!" He said kissing me. George came down the steps and we all walked to breakfast.

—Time Skip: After Class—

Oliver made us all go out to the quidditch pitch as soon as our classes were over. We couldn't practice on the field but Oliver still thought going over plays would help us win. We were doing this for about 45 mins before I said,

"Um, Oliver the game starts in 15 minutes, shouldn't we get ready?"

"Oh yeah! Go!" He said. Angelina, Ginny and I all went to the girl's locker room and got our jerseys and brooms. We met back with the rest of the team at the Gryffindor entrance.

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