Dates to the dance

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—Caroline's POV—

     The next morning at breakfast I was sitting with Fred and George when someone ran in front of us and handed a package to Ron, "Hey look mum sent me something," he said to Harry and Hermione. He tore open the package and pulled out a lacey coat, he looked at his friends confused. He walked over to Ginny with the coat saying, "I think this is for you,"

     "Ugh! I'm not wearing that, its ghastly!" Ginny exclaimed. Hermione giggled saying,

      "It's not for Ginny, they're dress robes!" Everyone laughed while Ron shoved them back in the box asking,

      "Why would I need those?" Hermione rolled her eyes and said,

       "For the Yule ball?" I looked over at Fred and George,

       "I do hope you two get a pair of those!" I said laughing.

       "If I do, I'll burn it and tell mum I didn't get them," George said.

       "What about you Fred? Would you wear them?" I asked him.

      "If I got those, Georgey and I would have a bonfire," he said.

       Professor McGonagall had a dancing lesson so we left the hall after breakfast, Fred and I walked hand in hand so he could spin me around. When we got there the boys and girls were sitting on opposite sides of the room, so we separated and I sat with Hermione.

       Everyone looked over at the door when Professor McGonagall walked in, "The Yule ball, has been a tradition of the Triwizard tournament, since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather I the great hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of this school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because, the Yule ball is first and foremost... a dance," immediately everyone started whispering, "Silence! The house of godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries, I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a bambling bumbling band of baboons."

       "Try saying that five times fast," Fred said to George.

        "Bambling bumbling band of baboons," George said with Fred repeated, they went back and forth saying it faster each time.

        "Now, to dance is to let the body breath, inside every girl a secret swan slumbers long to burst forth and take flight," she said dramatically.

        "Something's bound to burst forth but I don't think it's going to be a swan," Ron said to Seamus.

        "And inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance, Mr. Weasley?" She said clearly overhearing the comment.

        "Yes," Ron said reluctantly.

         "Will you join me please?" She says not even wait for a response and pulling him to the middle of the room. "Now place your right hand on my waist,"

         "Where?!" He said in shock.

         "My waist," she repeated. Fred wolf whistled making me laugh. Then Harry gestured for Fred and George and said,

         "You ever gonna let him forget this?"

         "Never!" They responded.

         "Everybody come together! Boys on your feet!" No one moved until Neville stood up and walked over which started all the boys. Fred ran over to me, bowed and held out his hand saying, "Care to dance m'lady?" I laughed and took his hand.

     "Do you even know how to dance?" I asked as we made our way to the middle of the room.

      "Yep taught by Molly Weasley herself," he said proudly putting a hand on my waist and pulling me in, "Do you?"

      "Oh yeah, we danced all the time at the orphanage," I said sarcastically.

     "Just follow my lead," he said. We danced over to George and Angelina. Fred started trying to embarrass George in front of her. I gave Angelina an apologetic look and laughed when Fred tripped George and he tried to play it off as though he was dipping Angelina.

     After dancing we had detention with Professor Snape, he had us all write a 1000 word essay. While we were writing I saw Fred throw Ron a piece of parchment, and Ron responded with "Who are you taking?" He looked around and balled up another piece of parchment and threw it at me. I looked up and Fred pointed at himself then me and did a weird little dance, I looked up at him confused then I whispered,

     "The dance?" He nodded enthusiastically which caught Snape's attention so he walked over and shoved Fred's head down. When Snape walked away he looked back up at me hopefully, I smiled and nodded. He immediately turned to Ron and I saw Ron turn to Hermione.

      I couldn't hear what he had said but I must have been rude because she immediately started whisper-yelling at him, she grabbed her essay handed it to Snape, gathered her things and stormed out. Seeing this I got and turned in my essay so could go after her. I got out the door and into the hallway, I looked around and saw Hermione leaning against a wall. "Hey, what happened in there?" I asked.

      "Ron asked me to the dance," she said.

     "Um that doesn't seem like something you make a fuss over?" I said confused.

     "No it wasn't the fact that he asked it was the way he did it, he asked me as a last resort and just assumed that I wouldn't have a date," she said in tears.

    "Okay that's just mean... wait does that mean you have a date?" I said enthusiastically.

    "Um.. yeah," she said starting to smile.

    "Who?!" I practically yelled at her.

   "Well Victor asked me yesterday and I said yes," she said beaming now.

    "Victor... Victor Krum? The Durmstrang champion Victor Krum? The one all the girls fawn over" She nodded, I felt arms  around my waist and someone said,

    "Are you really talking about Victor Krum after I just asked you to the dance?"

   "Well Victor asked Hermione to the dance so don't get to bent out of shape about it," I said laughing.

    "Oh is that so? Well he's a lucky man, that is if you said yes?" He said.

    "I did," she confirmed. A voice behind us said,

    "Hey!" It was Ron and Harry,

    "What do you what Ronald?" She snapped.

    "Nothing, geez!" He said putting his hands up.

   "Oh don't be so dramatic Ron," I said taking Hermione up the stairs.

   "Why do women hate me?" He asked Fred and Harry, Fred just shrugged.

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